Having A Good Time

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I woke up with a blanket draped over me, still on the couch. I couldn't see anyone so i decided it would be a good idea to go and explore the house again. My favourite past time. It's not like i had anything to do anyways. After wondering around for about half an hour, i found myself back in the conservatory. I was drawn to that room, with the big windows, making it feel open and not isolated. I had a glass of water in hand, staring out the windows. That was until i heard someone clearing their throat, bringing my attention to them.

"Hey honey," it was Piper's sister Pheobe.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Nothing. Not really," i let out a yawn trying to hide it behind my hands.
"You must be tired, i'll get one of the boys to fix you a room up," she smiles. I sit up straighter fully facing her now.
"Thanks Pheobe, really, but you have all done enough for me these past couple of days. I was actually thinking of heading out. I don't want to get in anyones way, and i've been here long enough," her smile drops.
"Really Charlie it's no problem, just stay a few days, see how you feel, then you can go from there," i didn't know what to say, i was grateful beyond words. I nodded, she smiled walking off, probably to find one of the brothers.

I stayed staring out of the windows, just thinking how lucky i have been lately. I mean who could say they have gone up against that demon, and lived. Numerous times. Then is lucky enough to meet this family, that have took me in even though they don't know me.
"Charlie," i turned around meeting the source of the voice. It was Wyatt.
"I'll show you to your room," i nodded following Wyatt up the stairs. He took me to the same room i was originally using, my backpack was sat on a chair tucked into the desk.

I walked further into the room going over to the bed. I never actually got to appreciate the room this morning. I put my hand on the covers feeling the material. The softest i've ever felt. I turned around back to face Wyatt to see him already watching me with a smile.
"I don't know what to say," i stuttered still getting over the room.
"Say you're not going to run off again and nearly get yourself killed,"
"I'll try not too," he gave me a small smile and with that he left shutting the door behind him.

Stepping into the shower was amazing. I can't remember the last time i had one. The water cascading down my back, was like heaven on earth. Scratch that, it was heaven on earth.

After getting out of the shower and getting ready, i walked over to my bag pulling the spell book out, my mother gave me. It was rustic looking, very old. I stuffed the notes i took earlier into the book for future use.

Just then i heard a knock on the door.
"One minute," i shouted putting my book back under my mattress, smoothing down the sheets again. I opened the door to reveal a grinning Wyatt on the other side. His grin contagious.
"Hey, we're going to P3 tonight if you're up for it," he scratched the back of his neck looking nervous.
"Well i have never been to a bar before, so i would love to," Wyatt smiled, letting out which looked like a sigh of relief.
"We're leaving in half an hour, i'll meet you downstairs," i nodded shutting the door as he left.

I quickly threw on a black pair of skinny jeans, and a blue tank top. I don't have much to wear, what can i say, i pack light. Walking down the stairs i realised they where all waiting for me. Wyatt met my eyes smiling.
"Great let's go, Chris is meeting us there,"

We got out of the car, and walked straight past all the people queing. I looked at Wyatt in confusion.
"My mom owns this place, hence skipping the que," i nodded following behind Wyatt.
"Nice place," the establishment is quite big, stopping at the top of the stairs looking around. From here you could see the entire place properly. There was a staircase to get down to the main floor. The bar was right in the center of the place, chairs off to the sides, and a stage up front.
"You coming?" Wyatt asks holding his hand out for me to take. I smiled, grabbing his hand and letting him lead me down the stairs and towards the bar.

"What do you want to drink?" i had no idea, like literally no idea what i liked, having never been to an actual bar before. Wyatt stood there waiting for an answer.
"Right yeah, you wouldn't know what drinks they have. Do you want to try beer?" he asked.
"Sure," i smiled waiting for him to order.

After getting the drinks we went to join the others. I sat near Wyatt, taking a sip of the bottle. Bitter. Not bad, considering it was my first alcoholic beverage.

A few beers later, i started to feel the effects kicking in. More relaxed, care free. I was in the middle of a light conversation with Wyatt when an upbeat song came on.
"Wyatt! Come dance with me," Wyatt smiled shaking his head standing up.
"Come on, where going home. You're tipsy," he said with a small chuckle.
"Leave her she's fine, she's only had a few," Chris butted in. Where the hell did he come from. I pointed at Chris smiling.
"Yeah i agree with him, we're having a good time," Wyatt walked towards me, i could see him glaring at his brother, resulting in one back. He grabs my hand, pulling me to stand up.
"Come on, or your going to have a bad head in the morning, your not used to alcohol,"
"Buzzkill," i mutter under my breath, even though i'm pretty sure he heard it with the little cute smirk he had on his face. I looked towards Chris seeing him roll his eyes before we left.

Another little update.
Please do continue to read.


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