As Good As Dead

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It's Friday. Around 9:00pm, or at least i think, i am left to rely on my trusty old watch. That's how i keep track of time, or they would just all blend into one and before you know it, we are in the year 2050. Okay, maybe abit exaggerated, but you get the picture.

It's quite dark now, the sun is gone and the stars are out. The moon being my only source of light, well unless someone takes the trash out.

If your wondering, i don't have a home, and i do infact live on the streets. Quite dangerous and really unhygienic, but that's the least of my problems. I have to concentrate on not starving to death, getting the regular dose of food, even if that means out of the trash. It's all the same right? Or at least that's what i tell myself, so i can eat and live to see the next day.

I live next to the quite famous night club 'P3'. I hear it's quite good. I didn't hear it from actual people though, but from the constant loud music everynight, all night. I've been here for about three weeks now, and i'm starting to think it's time to move on. It won't be long now, that is until they find me. Until he finds me. It's probably best to avoid that, for my sake. Even though this is probably the best place to get the regular portion of food. I know, i know it's all scraps, but beggars can't be choosers, right?

I am currently waiting for one of the waiters to give me my food, which is basically them taking the trash out. I haven't had much for about 4 days now, because of the bloody place being shut. It does shut quite often. It's strange, why would someone own such a big place if they can't open it every night?

I can hear footsteps, which is quite unusual around here, unless it's the waiters. I'm quite sure it's not though because it's coming from further down the alley. I am currently wedged between two huge bins. You'd assume it's foul-smelling, but i don't notice it now, probably used to it.

The footsteps were getting closer.
A constant sound. Until they come to a silent halt. The silence was defending. Waiting for the demon to make himself known. Yes him, i have come to know who the owner of them footsteps is, all to well. His sense of style, casual but still showing off to people just how wealthy he was. This ladies and gents was Satan. Well if Satan exists, but then again in this world, who's to say he doesn't. A cold blooded murderer, kills innocent people for sport, a force to be stopped, but not by me. They call him 'Amdusais'. A foreign name to most, however to demons a famous name, like how Dylan O'brien is famous in the mundane world. Most people adore the actor, look up to him even. That's exactly what it's like with his fellow demons, they would kill to be on his good side, and i'm not talking figuratively.

Amdusais is a very high level demon. If he wants someone killed, you are as good as dead. You don't stand a chance, not against him. However i have been lucky, too lucky but i think it's about to run out.

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