8. Resolvement.

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Had I known Bhavuk Thakur was much more than a bully and/or a self-conceited human, my thoughts would've been different.

He was a geopolitics nerd, I am not even exaggerating

We were discussing about South China Sea, during which, he did the whole discussion part and I simply listened. It, in fact, was very interesting, and the way he spoke, my interest magnified by hundred times. 

"And now Vietnam, Philippines, China, Malaysia have disputes over it."
"China is just being. . stubborn," I remarked.
"Well, it does justify it by its so-called nine-dash line."

"What's that?" My question was a mistake. He again went on to explain it to me. Not that I was finding it utterly gibberish, but honestly, I was exhausted listening to him and needed a break to process everything. I made a mental note to check out everything he told me, back at home.

"Fine, I get it. I am tired," I sighed, "it's two-thirty already, I need to leave too."
He gave me a look that instantly made me feel stupid. Correct me if I am wrong, but shouldn't he be grateful that I at least listened to him? I wished he would discuss this same thing with Yuvika. Ha, his reaction while trying to penetrate his words inside her head would be a sight to witness. 

"We will continue tomorrow, right? I still have to explain to you the Suez—"
Okay, that made me internally chuckle. His excitement for the topic of his choice was so adorable, I almost forgot for a second that this is the same guy who has the potential of being a bully.

As if on cue, Yuvika appeared out of nowhere. She stood between me and Bhavuk since we had already maintained a gap between us. Bhavuk turned to her with his standard pleasing smile. I lowered my eyes and stepped backwards. 

"Uh, Bhavuk, I was wondering if you could hang out with us, tomorrow? After school. It's my birthday. Many people are tagging along, you know, Karan, your friend? He'll be there. . and. . "

Nervousness was clear in her voice. Also, desperation and hope. Why was she scared that Bhavuk would reject her idea? He would never. Our class was already shipping them fiercely and had already accepted that they were dating, just not official. 

I rubbed my fingertips, trying to look anywhere but them.
"I would've gladly, but, I have some. . major work. . tomorrow." He glimpsed at me and my heart almost jumped out of my chest. 
"Oh," she expressed.

I tapped my feet on the ground, deciding if I should stay or leave. My thoughts were still swirling in my head when Yuvika left us—him, to be precise. 
Bhavuk walked up to me, sighing. "Man, she's so clingy."

"Really?" Was all I could ask. "Thought you. . liked her."
"Me? Like? Her? Seriously?" His expressions were funny enough for me to giggle.
"Yeah, I mean, she's diva and all. Beautiful. . "
"And shallow."

"Is she though?" I frowned. "She likes you, genuinely. Not her. . fault."
A soft chuckle left his lips. "I like that."
"Like what?"
"You not hating her, and actually expressing your opinion even if it means disagreeing with me."

"Well, I'd never change my perspective just for the sake of someone else," I said, "and as far as Yuvika is concerned, I think a tragic heartbreak awaits her. Go gentle."

"A lot of people like me, Mehta. I cannot divide my sympathy for everyone and please them. I'd only care for the ones like."

"But at least you can try to be friendly with her. . I know she's intolerable at ti—"
"She's basically stupid," he stated in a matter-of-fact voice. "Girls are."

His freaking chauvinism gets me every time. I wasn't offended because looking at his smile, I knew that he was simply trying to irk me. But his statement was downright rude. I didn't even know what to argue.
"Then why are you near me? Doesn't it bring disgrace to your honorable identity—gender, to be precise?"

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