6. Only if.

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~ Manasvi ~

I'd always wondered, what, in fact, made people stupid. Is it the lack of worldly knowledge, lack of wisdom, narcissistic behavior, or everything overall? I found it even more surprising how stupid people never realize it on their own that they're stupid. Were they blind to the myriads of hints being dropped at them?

I stared back at Ishita as she told me about her recent celebrity crush. I remembered crushing on them, but it was back in the middle school. I am more into fiction these days. Seriously, why hasn't she grown out of it? I am no one to judge, though. Everyone has their own preferences. 

"By the way," she said, and I waited for her. This phrase meant that the subject was about to change. "What d'you think about Anay?"

"Anay who?" I asked obtusely.
"One from tenth-D, duh," she answered, "you don't know?"

"I don't know what?" I frowned, flipping through my Hindi textbook. 
"Do you live under a rock or what? Dude, that guy likes you. Most of the people know this by now."

I stared at her dumbfoundedly, and after few seconds, I couldn't resist laughing. "Likes? Me?"

"Yes. You. Fatima's boyfriend told her and she told Prakriti and. . . whatever. I just know this from somewhere," she shrugged, "why don't you try?"
"Not interested," I said lazily, "and firstly, I don't even believe it."

Something sparked in her eyes. "You're talking to him. Now. You are going to ask him how was his Biology assignment."
Did I mention that we were in the middle of the corridor? And also the fact that Ishita can actually yell out, loud?

"Anay!" she yelled. The amount of discomfort this girl brings to me was unmeasurable.
"Ishita, shut up!" 

Too late. He'd already heard her voice. My anxiety kicked in and I started fidgeting, maybe a bit sweating too. Anay looked first at Ishita, then at me, his lips finally breaking into a smile. Man, did he really experience romantic attraction towards me? I thought all this was just a joke. It, in fact, was a joke; or some stupid dare. How could someone like me? I didn't even like myself.

"Hey," he said gently. Him and Ishita talked about something which I was too numb to hear. I wanted to fucking escape from the situation.

He looked at me. Dude, he was fine. Not the Bhavuk fine, but still somewhat okay. Average. "Manasvi?"
"Yes, right. Bio assignment?"

"I mean. . how did it go? You know conversation starter. . "

Ishita left soon after we started conversing. It went okay. I did stutter here and there, but hey, he didn't mind. We discussed about teachers and I even ended up laughing (like a hyena) with him.

The bell rang way sooner that I'd expected. We parted ways. 

I was twirling my fingers around my braided hairs when I spotted Bhavuk. He appears out of nowhere, always. He could ruin my day anytime

"Friendly much?" He was staring at a painting on the wall. His words sounded ten times scarier when he wasn't looking at me.
"Stay out of my business." I said at once.

"I am not even interested," he glanced at me, his eyes piercing through my soul. "Go ahead and date whatever square you want to."

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