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After finding out zayn quit in being one direction, I don't feel like updating! I'm sad, I've been crying all day and couldn't stop. It was a huge impact on me and I don't know what I can do.

Eleanor and Louis broke up! They were officially my favorite couple. The one I thought would last....forever.

Zayn had that drama because he "Cheated" on Perrie, which he didn't! He took a break from the tour to go fix his problems with Perrie. And then after the BOMB hit us! He quit!

At first I was mad, I was mad at zayn for doing this to the boys and us, I was mad at Perrie for no apparent reason. But then I thought, Perrie has NOTHING to do with this, zayn thought on this his own. He wanted to, I'm not going to cut for zayn, I'm not going to kill myself for zayn because that's just selfish. The other boys need us still and so does zayn! I'm going to support one direction even though zayn is not in it and is not one direction for me anymore.

Zayn will always be our Bradford bad boy!

Zayn will always be our DJ Malik

Zayn will always be our VasHappenin Man

Zayn will always be in our Hearts!

I love you zayn and honestly us directioners love him to.

Date I hate the most: MARCH 25, 2015

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