The Right Place at the Right Time

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"Y/nnnnn... hellooooo..." someone waved their hand in front of my face. I blinked and it was Cho.

"Oh, sorry." I replied, apologetic. She shook her head and laughed.

"What were you thinking about?" she asked, raising her eyebrow. I looked away as if something else caught my eye. The truth was, I had been thinking about my encounter with that boy yesterday. I was also thinking about how I felt like someone was watching me, even though I knew I was just being paranoid.

"Nothing, just the test next hour." I lied. She nudged my shoulder.

"Your red ears say otherwise." I unconsciously touched the tips of my ears. They were burning. I shook my head again. She let it be, and we headed off to the next period, which we had together. In the middle of the lesson I heard a noise come from beside me. I looked over at Cho and saw her hand over her mouth. It sounded something like she was muffling a scream?

"What's wrong?" I asked. She looked at me, her eyes wide. She showed me her bracelet, which the gem was black. I snickered. SOMEONE'S soulmate was thinking dirty-minded.

"What the fu-!" she started, but I slapped her wrist.

"Excuse me, no cussing!" I whisper-yelled. She bit her lip, rocking back and forth. I wanted to tease her so badly. I gave in and said "Ahemhardstanahem-" she whipped her head at me, and now it was her turn to slap me.

I grinned, seeing she wasn't disagreeing with me. I can't wait until she finds her soulmate. I'll get to tease her even more.

A week later

(sorry for the sudden time skip, i didn't want this chapter to go on forever)

I was smiling as I was walking down the road to the cafe. It was Friday, after school and I was meeting up with Cho for some coffee at a nearby cafe. I was practically skipping down the sidewalk. I waited until I got to a crosswalk to cross the road, and I just barely made it. A car was flying, definitely over the speed limit, down the road. I glared at the car, and then continued on, determined to not let it bring my mood down.

Soon enough I was on the road where the cafe was. I smiled even wider and came up to another crosswalk. I looked both ways before heading across. I was about halfway when I heard the screech of car tires, and I turned only to be knocked out of my vision when a car hit me in my side. I heard a pop in my wrist, and an immense pain spread through my body. I fell to the ground, my head hitting the concrete with a loud smack. My vision went black around the edges, and I could have sworn before I passed out, I heard a familiar voice yell, and footsteps coming my way. And then, everything went black.

Changbin's POV

I sat at a bench nearby, minding my own business while I was completing homework and writing lyrics while I was at it.

(A/N: I suck at writing poems or lyrics so here's one of my favs)

I can't, I can't hide my feelings for you anymore (For you anymore)
I bravely take a step closer to you (To you)
But this step was never easy
I made up my mind long ago, but I still needed more time
But maybe I took too long
Our timings were off, I feel like I'm being punished
What I did to get closer to you was rather
Building a wall between us, I'm speechless

I smiled, getting caught in my own writing. I remembered suddenly my encounter with that girl a week ago. When I had caught her waist when she almost fell, her face was a tomato and her eyes were wide and sparkling. I remember I had had a sudden urge to touch her soft facial features, it was weird. But my dumb self decided, no, I'll say "Watch where you step back next time, you almost fell." I mentally slapped myself for it. I looked at my bracelet out of habit and it was yellow. I'm glad my soulmate is happy. When they're happy, I'm happy. It's a mutual agreement.

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