Lyrics of Love

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Changbin's POV

Come on, come on.... I rummaged through my backpack for the black notebook that held my life.

"Let's go, Changbin, your going to be late!" my mom yelled upstairs. I huffed, and gave up looking for it. I would look for it later.

I stuffed my homework in my bag and jumped in the car. I had begged my mother to let me go to school on my own today like I always do, but of course she resisted.

I put on my seatbelt and looked out the window. The sky was clear today. I wonder what color my soulmate's eyes are. Are they an endless chocolate brown, or are they a stunning blue like the ocean?

I looked at the charm on my bracelet. A microphone. It made sense for me, because I loved writing lyrics but I wonder what it had to do with my soulmate. Were they a vocalist? A rapper?

The color of the gem was brown. They couldn't have been asleep, or they would be late. So they are either concentrating or thoughtful. Then right before my eyes, the color changed to pink. I felt my cheeks heat up. My color was probably pink too.

How was I getting embarrassed by someone I've never met? All I know about her is her breathing. And I know that by heart. I knew when she was walking, when she was running, when she was sleeping.

Sometimes I long for my soulmate enough to just be really sad and depressed. How can I miss someone I've never met? Most of the time the songs I write are about my longing for a soulmate.

Every day, all of my friends at school find their soulmate, they live here too.

The only thing is, if you don't find your soulmate before the age of twenty-five, your soulmate will have lost their feelings for you and you will never have a soulmate.

Every time I think about this possibility, the possibility of living life without a soulmate, without a partner, I always have to imagine my parents. My REAL parents. The ones that had me. My mother always says they loved me, but they could not take care of me because they weren't good at being parents. So they decided it was for the best that they let someone else raise me.

So they put me on my mothers doorstep and left me there with nothing but the infinity necklace they left on me. It's nothing special when you look at it, it's just a bronze-colored necklace with an infinity sign that has gems on it, which the sign is connected to the necklace.

"Changbin?" My mom's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "We're at school," she said. I unbuckled my seatbelt, hopped out of the passenger seat and grabbing my backpack. "Bye mom," I said. "Have a good day!" She said, and I smiled a little before slamming the door shut.

As the flow of students led inside, I tried to get a good look at everyone's faces so I could find my best friends Chan and Jisung. I didn't see them as I entered the school, but I didn't worry too much since I would see them in my first block class.

I got to my first class before the bell rings and sat with Chan and Jisung at our normal table. "Hey what's up bin?" Chan says, holding out a fist for me to bump. Jisung then spoke up and said "Where's your notebook? You always have it with you."

I sighed and replied "I don't know. I couldn't find it this morning. The last time I saw was at lunch with you guys yesterday." I saw Jisung bite his lip to hold back a laugh. "Wait a second..." I said, sensing something was suspicious. "BAHAHA! I took it yesterday while you were getting your lunch." He said, showing me the black notebook with all of my lyrics and songs in it.

"Idiot." He snickered. I snatched it from him. "Say sike. Say sike right now." I warned him.

He just stuck his tongue out at me. I felt my blood boil. "Did you read anything?" I said, with a dangerously low voice. "Only that one titled 'WOW'" He said, grinning. Well fuck. The one I was most embarrassed about.

I decided to get back at him. "Guess which part is yours?" I said with a devilish smile. He suddenly stopped. "What part...?" He said hesitantly. I lowered my voice and said "Excuse me noona, geunde namjachingu iss-eo?" I said in Korean, which translates to 'Excuse me, but do you have a boyfriend?'

He shoved my face away as I cackled evilly.

Chan held us apart, looking annoyed.

Hah. That should teach him not to take my notebook. I snickered, and looked to the teacher as the bell rang to start the school day.

From the Cosmos ~ Changbin X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now