Hidden Talents

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I woke to the alarm going off. I peeked open my eyes, but then I was blinded by the sun so I quickly shut them again.

"Stop yelling at meeee," I groaned at the alarm clock. It didn't listen and kept beeping. I buried my face into my pillow until it stopped. 

I peeked at my bracelet while lying facedown on my rickety bed. Blue. I smiled, knowing now that my soulmate was calm and peaceful. Luckily, it gave me just enough energy to haul myself out of bed. 

I took a quick shower and wrestled with my curly brown hair to make it look even a little presentable.

I headed down the stairs and called out to see if mom was home yet. "Mom, are you home?" But no answer came.

She works at the hospital as a nurse and has really late shifts, but only barely making enough money to come by. My dad on the other hand, was a wealthy business owner whom I have almost never seen, but he sends money every once in a while so at least I know he's ALIVE.

I grabbed a granola bar from the pantry and hustled out the door, almost forgetting to get my homework from the night before.

I biked to school and met up with my friend who always waited for me. Her name was Cho and she was AMAZINGLY talented at art. She doesn't show anyone her drawings, she draws with a pencil and nothing else. The only person who has seen her drawings is me.

"Oi!" She said, jogging over to meet me.

"You're a little later than usual." she said, curious.

I shrugged, "Yeah, I couldn't sleep after all of the studying. You know how nervous I get for tests..." I trailed off. She nodded knowingly.

"Okay well we better get to our homeroom before the teacher has our heads." I knew she was joking, but I knew it wasn't too far off from the truth.

We sat down in our seats as soon as the bell rang, the teacher was giving us a side-eye glare. If looks could kill...

We sat next to each other, we were able to choose our seats in the beginning of the semester. That was one piece of goodness the teacher lent us.

She pulled out her drawing book and I pulled out my school book and I started to take notes. I could see out of the corner of my eye she was drawing a boy. Probably the one she imagined was her soulmate. She used shading to make it look more 3D. Chiaroscuro, I think she called it.

My homeroom teacher taught math, which was not very helpful being the first class of the day.

Then in the middle of a video we were watching about equations and inequalities using fractions, she passed me a note.

Anything new news from your soulmate?

I wrote back a quick note,

No, not really. Although, he had a nightmare last night. I could tell because it was green.

I passed it to her when the teacher wasn't looking, and she nodded when she read the note.

Then she passed me another note quickly that said,

That's not good. If only you two had each other. My soulmate was orange last night. I wonder what he was up to.

I smiled when I read it. Orange meant he was energetic and enthusiastic. She was the same when she was away from school, she was only shy about her art.

Then the video ended and I saw the teacher was slowly walking towards us. I shoved the notes in my pocket and picked up my pencil to write notes on math.

I looked at my bracelet again. Pink and white. My heart fluttered. I held it near my ear and could hear his breathing. It sounded... peaceful.

One day. I thought to myself.

One day, we will love each other.


From the Cosmos ~ Changbin X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now