Chapter 6

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A week had passed by since their night out, if you can call that. Ever since that night, Nyra and Ahaana were only growing closer, like their feelings for each other. But neither made a move apart from flirting often.

Like now. The rest of the gang were off somewhere while these two sat on a bench near the canteen. Nyra ate her lunch she had just bought. Ahaana decided having ice cream for lunch was enough. Nyra had bought that for her because she didn't want the girl to have her stomach empty. She even offered to feed some actual food but Ahaana was too embarrassed at that offer to accept it.

“Ah shit my mouth, it's so cold” Ahaana mumbled with a mouthful of chocolate ice cream bar. She swallowed it quickly, grimacing at the cold sensation under her ears.

Nyra smirked at the girl. “Want me to warm it up?”

Ahaana almost choked on air and turned beat red at that. She looked at Nyra with wide eyes who had an innocent expression. Usually she flirted back but this was too direct for her to even speak.

“I mean this naan is hot” Nyra shrugged, pointing to the naan and paneer butter masala. Her lunch.

Oh. Poor little Ahaana. She shook her vigorously and looked away. She was embarrassed for two reasons. One, for imagining it as a kiss. Two, she was tongue tied.

Seeing the speechless girl Nyra laughed but was concerned when Ahaana didn't respond and had turned away. She didn't know how to take it. Maybe I went too far?

Honestly, that was some bold move not gonna lie. Anyways.

When Nyra was about to speak, Ahaana turned her face back towards her. With her confidence back, she smirked.

“I would've said yes either ways but I'll take this offer”

Now it was Nyra's turn to be speechless. Holy shit did she just…? Oh my god! What even-? Maybe I'm reading too much into it. 

Yes she totally just said that you dumb idiot, but go off.

She gave Ahaana the naan as she had offered and they went back to ignoring everything that had happened and talked about books. Just your everyday conversation. The suggestion never happened. Mhm, nope.

Unbeknownst to either of them, Priyanka had heard their conversation. The girl was about to approach them but when she got closer she accidentally heard it and she had to stay quiet so she didn't get caught. When she was sure the two weren't suspecting anyone, she decided to let them know about her presence.

“Hiii!!! What were you two talking about?”

Usually she wouldn't ask, but she wanted to see their reactions. And much to her disappointment, neither showed any signs of being flustered or embarrassed. They reacted very casually and told her that they were discussing books. Which they were, just after the flirting.

I'll ask Nyra later. Maybe in a less confronting way. I should definitely plan this properly so I don't offend her. She rambled in her head as they returned to their classes after the loud annoying bell rang.

Instead of listening to the teachers, she tried to come up with a way to ask Nyra. Soon their 20 mins break came up and Priyanka went to meet the girl. Thankfully Ahaana and Aadhira were meeting their PT teachers about some competition coming up.

She entered Nyra's classroom, happy to see the room was almost empty. There were 2 other boys but they were far away so it wasn't a bother.

“Hey” Nyra greeted, moving her things away on the bench so she could sit.

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