Chapter 4

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A very bored Nyra was flipping through her chemistry book, trying to find an easier topic to study. Ugh I'm taking a break, she decided as she closed the textbook in frustration and grabbed her phone.


My saviour! She thought before texting back.

Heyy what's up

Nothing, just having lunch. You?

Oh right. You're have classes
I'm just trying to study

And I was trying to listen.
Can we video call, it's hard to text and eat

Sure. Give me a sec

She brushed the loose strands behind her ears and tightened the bun before accepting the call request.

“hii” she smiled softly at Ahaana as she returned it.

hola. Want to hear a knock-knock joke?” she asked as a familiar groan followed beside the younger.

Please say no” Aadhira pleaded with a pout, now coming in the frame while Ahaana pushed her off.

“Fine, go ahead,” Nyra said, eagerly waiting for the joke. She was starting to love the jokes from Ahaana although no one else found it funny enough. It made her happy to see the girl continuing what she usually does cheerfully without giving up. She admired her slightly carefree personality. In other words, whipped.

knock knock!

“Who's there?”


“voodoo who?”

Voodoo you think you are, asking all these questions” Ahaana exclaimed, her large smile radiating so much Nyra was almost blinded.

Ugh those dimples!! She swooned at the sight, laughing along. She always thought the girl was cute but those dimples just increased the cuteness, almost going overboard. She wanted to pinch those cheeks in between her slender fingers and hold her close. Get a grip! She chided herself for getting carried away. She was sure of her feelings for the other but she wasn't sure if the other girl would like her.

She brushed it off as a small crush and continued with their conversation. Ahaana told her stories from her old school, about skipping classes using football as a reason, about Aadhira and her dodging trouble for a lot of mischief they've done. Nyra listened to it all, admiring her going on and on about such precious memories until the other girl had to go.

Feeling a little better than earlier, she opened her text book and tried to focus on her studies. It amazed her how just a few minutes with Ahaana could brighten her entire day. The girl was constantly on her mind, she barely thought about anything else. She was scared of what this could lead to, but also curious at the same time. The constant push and pull between her heart and head was getting to her but she didn't want to decide now. Having only known the girl for a little over 4 months, she wasn't ready to let herself fall completely. So she did what she does best. Avoid the feelings.


There were younger students playing around the ground. Some were walking around with their friends, some couples stood hidden while their friends acted as security in case teachers came by.

It was pretty loud but Ahaana didn't hear a noise as if her head was under water. Lost in her own world, she sat with her arm on her knee supporting her chin. As might be expected, she flinched and jumped up with a hand on her chest, as if stopping her heart from jumping out when Nyra patted on her shoulder to gain her attention.

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