But she's a Girl

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"What are you smiling for??" asked Sir Barton
" I was just remembering how I got Delilah," replyed Evelyn.
The rest of the ride was silent. She knew that if she failed she would not only embarrass herself but her brother and father too. The sight was beautiful, she usually would have enjoyed the sight, but she was stiff and too nervous to enjoy it today. Age looked as calm as one could be, but in her mind she was freaking out. What if I embarrass my father and brother?
What if Horace got mad at me and decides not to be my friend? All the boys in the school are probably going to be very mean for a while. I need someone to support me and be there. I act tough but I need someone there.
Evelyn and her father got to the entrance of the battleschool. The whole place was magnificent. They lived in the biggest Fief in Mavon, this more land to protect, so we need a big army. And a place to train them. The battleschool was practically a castle its self. It had its own entrance and gaurds. It had six large towers, easily sixty feet tall each. A wall just as tall surrounded the building, and a huge gate was the only way in. The walls encased a fairly large castle and a enormous field that surrounded it. On the fields were various training spots. On the south side was the sword practice area with practice dummies placed on a row, on the east field was hand to hand training area, on the north side was just regular exercise such as push ups and sit ups, and all around the inside next to the walls was a track for running. Those were the normal training areas, the west was for special knights, they got extra training added to the normal training, in the west area the special knights learned to shoot a bow and throw knives. Not many apprentices got in the special training area. Then there was the studying on the inside of the school, history, reading etc. It was the finest battleschool in Mavon. Wanna be knights came from around the whole country to train to be a knight here. As Evelyn and her father approached the gate a guard yelled down.
"Hello Lady Evelyn, good day to you Sir Barton. Here to watch the apprentice try outs?"
"Good day to you. Yes I am" said Evelyn's father spoke normal despite the distance in hopes he didn't hear the I in his sentence.
"There are some promising young men this year" the gaurd shouted.
"Sounds like an interesting time can't wait to see" Sir Barton replyed. He looked over to Evelyn and whispered
"Are you sure"
Evelyn did not reply instead she trotted across the gate that the guard had opened. Her father sighed and followed her. The inside was just as magnificent as the out side the actual building was in the middle. The doors were huge. Two gaurds had to push each of the large doors to allow the knight and his daughter in. All the guests had a banquet before the apprentices were chosen. The banquet hall was huge and completely full with knights and their wife's and children. There were older apprentices and other thirteen year olds who looked confident some looked nervous and some looked completely terrified, but all of them were boys, and tall and buff ones at that. The only way to get into this battleschool is to impress the battle master Sir Norris. If he wasn't impressed he would not let you in, however he was an opened minded man. If you did not look impressive you had a chance to prove your self by showing your skills to Sir Norris. The battle master Sir Norris stepped up to the head of the table and everyone quieted down.
"Hello everyone. As tradition, we will have everyone who is of age and wants to enter battleschool eat with the current apprentices over here, watchers and families will eat over there and we will start our feast."

Evelyn look at her father, he nodded and sat in the area for family and watchers. Evelyn took a deep breath. It starts now. I can do this. She headed towards the area for kids of age and apprentices. She spotted Horace. Horace was a tall slim burnett. He was muscular from three years of training and his eyes were a deep chocolate brown his smile was just as contagious as Evelyn's. He is professional when he needs to be, but in his personal he has a strong sense of humor and very loyal. Should I sit by him. Would I embarrass him? No. Don't think just do, get over it. Evelyn got a burst of confidence and walked proudly over to her friend.
"Hey Evelyn your not allowed to sit here only boys that want to be an apprentice and current apprentices can be over here" Horace said sternly but with a friendly tone.
"Actually its not just boy its just those that are of age, and I'm gonna be an apprentice here so yes I have a right to sit here." Evelyn replied in the same tone. Horace looked confused for a sec then understanding dawned on his face. Then a huge smile covered his face. Then he sat down a patted the seat next to him. Evelyn smiled and sat down.
"Your really gonna try right this isn't some prank we will both be in a lot of trouble other wise and I don't want to be kicked out"

"Yes I'm really gonna try" Evelyn replied. Horace smiled, he opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted.
"Excuse me miss but you might have misunderstood, you see family, and and others are to sit over there" a voice with an accent from south Mavon spoke loudly. Loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in the room which had quieted down. The boy from the south had not ment to embarass her he was just trying to catch her attention. He look apologeticly at Evelyn.
She met his gaze with usually sarcastic eyes. She skilled got up and turned to face him.
"Sorry but you have misunderstood, all those of age and want to be an apprentice here are to sit here" Evelyn waved her hands to the spot she was sitting.
"But miss ladies-" the boy started.
"All those of AGE and want to be an apprentice here, are to sit over here" she said that last part quietly.

"But your a girl"
Another kid some where in the crowd shouted. Evelyn spun toward the voice. "Yes and your point is"
"Women can not be a knight, so what's the point if training" the boy sneered.
"There is no law against a woman being a knight I have just as much right to sit at this table as you do and if you don't agree you can challenge me when the time comes, but for now I am going to sit at this table, next to my friend, and I beg you to try and stop me" Evelyn sneered. She turned around and sat down.
Everyone was shocked into silence. Then a few adults started muttering and in a few minutes the whole hall was back to being full of conversation. Evelyn and Horace chatted as if nothing had happened. The boy from the south had gone to sit at another part of the table. He felt guilty about causing the situation. He sighed and got up and walked over Evelyn.
"Miss I-" he started.
"My name is Evelyn not miss" Evelyn interrupted.
"Ok, Evelyn, I wanted to say I'm sorry, about earlier." He finished awkwardly.
"You know when someone tells you their name you're supposed to tell them yours"
"Oh, well, my name is Austin, b-"
"Ok, Austin. First things first. I know you felt bad for embarrassing me, however I was not embarrassed and it didn't really bug me, so I don't need a sorry. Anyway I noticed that you weren't talking to anyone so why don't you sit here"

"Oh.." Austin smiled. "Sure thanks for the company."

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