Spar / Black Zetsu

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Naruto woke up as he was told to go to the namikaze complex's training ground, as he reached there he saw his "family".

"Naruto you're gonna have a spar with your younger Mito who is gonna hold back a lot," Minato told Naruto. Naruto clenched his fists in anger as he walked to the training grounds.
Minato yelled, "3, 2, 1, GO!"

Naruto ran at Mito with low speeds as he was holding back almost all of his power, and Mito ran at him with the same speeds as Naruto and Mito entered hand to hand combat.
Mito tried to send a flurry of punches at Naruto as he had blocked those punches sent at him. Naruto then caught the last punch and counter attacked with a strong punch on which landed on her cheek as she fell down to the ground from the punch.

Mito got back up as she tried to sweep under Naruto's legs as he let himself fall over losing the battle.
"Good job Naruto, and Mito, you both fought well in this spar," Minato said. Minato followed up saying, "Naruto you will spar against Kinato now."

Naruto got back up as he was prepared to fight his younger brother who he wants to lose against as well.

Minato yelled, "3, 2, 1, GO!!!" Naruto charged at brother Kinato at low speeds like before, and Kinato charged at him as well. Kinato sends out a flurry of punches at his older brother Naruto as Naruto doges, blocks, and counters some of the hits. Naruto jumps back dodging two more punches.

Kinato charges at Naruto again, now attempting to sweep Naruto out from under his legs again, but Naruto jumps up dodging the leg sweep. Kinato ends up going for a punch aimed for Naruto's gut as the hit lands and Naruto gets sent flying back soon after getting hit by his younger brother Kinato.

Naruto groans in pain slightly after getting hit and landing on the ground. Kinato goes for another hit on Naruto to attempt to finish him off, but Naruto rolls to the side getting up afterwards. Naruto jumps back again as soon as he got up as Kinato attempted to hit him again. Naruto continues to fight Naruto sending more punches his way but Naruto catches one of Kinato's fists as he then counter attack hitting him with a rush of punches, but Kinato dodges all of these hit as he ends up hitting Naruto with an uppercut to the jaw finishing the spar in an victory for Kinato.

"Kinato wins,' Minato called the match. Naruto got up and sat own at an bench knowing full and well that the fight was over.

Minato told Kinato and Mito to spar without holding back as the fight went on for a very long time as it ended in an victory for Naruto's younger sister Mito, as it was an very close match between Naruto' younger siblings and it went on for a very long time. Naruto proceeded to walk back into the Namikaze house as he went on to take a shower and go to the Nidaime's head on the hokage monument. 

Naruto POV

I sat on the Nidaime's head on the hokage monument as I thought back to before the coma as I realised that my parents have always neglected me even when I was a two year old because I have seen more family photos of Kinato and Mito than me, and I always wanted to be around my family. 

I have been sitting on Nidaime's face for the past hour until black zetsu appeared in my presence.

"Hello Naruto, I heard that you are the new son of our mother," Black Zetsu said.

I responded, "Yes, I am in fact the new son of mother, so how are we gonna break the seal mother is in."

"Brother, we are going to use the akatsuki to put the bijuu in the gedo mazo statue reform the juubi, and after that we are going to use someone to become the new sage of six paths to cast the infinite tsukiyomi so we can revive mother," Black Zetsu told me.

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