Chapter 6

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3rd POV: Chloe told Lucas and Lucifer to work together on the case, since they both knew some things about the mafia. They were shocked but since she left them in the room, Lucas started working

Lucas: So the boy is missing, we know they can't take any risks with leaked info. Who should we go first?

Lucifer: Milano

Lucas: Can you go there without scheduling a meeting?

Lucifer: Oh please.. I'm the devil - he got the keys to the car and got up

Lucas: That you are, just don't know about the hole devilish part - he left the room and Lucifer was about to say something but just went after him

They headed to Milano's house, one of them anyways. When they got there, the security guards didn't let us in.

Lucifer: Tell Peter it's Lucifer - the guard talked on the radio and they heard "Tell him to leave" - What??

Lucas: Peter it's me, Lucas

They heard through the radio "Little man, come on in!!"

The guards let us through. Lucifer parked the car right in front of the house.

Lucifer: Unbelievable

They got out of the car and walked to the house. They got in and Peter came towards them

Peter: Lucas! Long time no see! And Lucifer..

Lucifer: I'm a little offended you didn't want me to come inside

Peter: No hard feelings Mr.Morningstar, just business.

Lucas: That's why we are here

Peter: You need money? Job? People?

Lucas: Information

Peter: Careful kid

Lucas: Dan Harris, or better, his son

Peter: Who is that?

Lucifer: Oh come on, we know.

Peter: Who he talked to? The police? Another mafia?

Lucas: Peter.. did you kill the boy?

Peter: No, the boy didn't know anything, why would we kill some random teenager for delivering some crack?

Lucifer: Well he got caught.

Peter: He was stupid. He doesn't even know me. Worst case scenario cops will find a 50 year old man with a few pounds of crack in his garage.

Lucas: The kid is missing

Peter: I didn't give out the order to kill him

Lucifer: You might be lying

Peter: I am not, man's word - he shook Lucas's hand

Lucas: Do you know anyone that might want him dead?

Peter: No. I barely saw the kid. Ryan, my chief guard. He was the one that talked to the kid for the jobs

Lucas: Is he here?

Peter: No. Frank! - he yelled - Get me Ryan's phone number and send it to Lucas

Frank: Yes sir

Lucas got a text, he checked his phone and it was the contact

Lucas: Thank you

Peter: You owe me

Lucifer: No, He doesn't

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