Chapter 1

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3rd's POV: As Lucifer and Chloe arrived in the station, they meet up with Dan and headed to Ella's office

Chloe: What do you got Ella?

Elle: I didn't get a hit on the fingerprints but.. - she went to another computer - The car is currently on a mechanic shop downtown. I'll send you the address

Chloe: Thanks Ella

Chloe and Lucifer headed to the mechanic shop.
It was unusually close to the beach. There was some sort of party happening in the back, there were security guards on the front

Security: This is a private event.

Chloe: We need to speak to the responsible - she was about to get her badge but Lucifer stopped her

Lucifer: Woah..  We'll talk to him inside, won't take long I promise

Security: You can't come in - then some dude was coming to our direction

Man: Lucifer!

Lucifer: Charlie, perfect timing

Charlie: Let them in

Security: Yes sir - they walked towards Charlie

Lucifer: Detective, you don't want the people in this place finding out you are a cop - he whispered

Chloe: Right..

Charlie: Enjoy man, drinks are over there near the pier, food is right here and girls are.. everywhere - they chuckled and Chloe rolled her eyes

Chloe: Charlie isn't it?

Charlie: Yes.

Chloe: So who is throwing this awesome party? - he pointed at some guy in a skate

Charlie: That's the boss

Lucifer: Thank you

They walked towards the guy who was skating. Lucifer got a drink.

Chloe: Seriously?

Lucifer: Detective, leave the detective outside please, or we won't leave this place.

Chloe: Fine - she let her hair loose, took her jacket off and grabbed a drink - Well?

Lucifer: That might work - just then the boy was coming towards them

Chloe: Let's see

She walked towards the guy and bumped into him and her drink spilled on her

Chloe: Oh my god..

Guy: Oh my bad, didn't see you there, I have towels inside, here

Chloe: Thank you

They went inside and Lucifer went after them, but with a safe distance.
The guy handed Chloe a towel

Chloe: You are younger than I expected

Guy: Sorry? - she got her badge and showed him - Right..

Chloe: No smart business

Guy: Ok. How can I help you.. ma'am?

Chloe: You're the responsible?

Guy: For a few days, yes. Boss is out - he leaned back against the couch

Chloe: What's your name?

Then Lucifer walked in

Lucifer: Bloody Americans, put too much ice on their drinks, obviously turn into water. - he looked at Chloe and the guy

Chloe: Lucifer.. - then Lucifer looked at the kid

Lucifer: Lucas?

Lucas: Ha - he chuckled and sat on the couch with his beer

Lucifer: You're the responsible here? You're involved in this? What are you doing here?

Lucas: Well it's great to see you too.. - he took a sip of his beer - Dad.

Chloe: Huh?

Lucifer: Why are you drinking beer? How old are you? 12?

Lucas: Close.. I'm 20.

Lucifer: Correct me if I'm wrong but you're supposed to be 21 to drink

Lucas: Boohoo, arrest me

Lucifer: She might

Chloe: I'm sorry, run that back. You're what?

Lucas: Oh come on pops, you didn't tell your girlfriend that you had a son?

Lucifer: She's my partner and don't start with the attitude

Lucas: Or what?

Lucifer: Oh try me - they started walking towards each other

Lucas: You can bet I will

Lucifer: We shall see about that

Chloe: Ok enough. Both of you. Lucas. I have some questions for you, ok? 

Lucas: Ask away 

Chloe: Have you seen this car? - Chloe showed him the pictures

Lucas: It came here, needed a new carburetor, just little things. I did it myself, stood here for like 45 minutes, if much.

Chloe: I'll need your security footage

Lucas: Why? Did he stole the car? - he asked walking to the computer

Chloe: We don't know yet

Lucas: What is he involved with?

Lucifer: Murder

Lucas: Harsh - he opened the files and it appeared a message saying "files deleted" - Great..

Lucifer: Doesn't look that great for you

Chloe: I'm sorry, you'll have to come with us.

Lucas: Yeah - he got up and walked away

Lucifer: Was she clear? You'll come with us

Lucas: Yeah I heard her assmunch, I'm getting my wallet and my phone

Lucifer: What did you call me?

Chloe: Dear god..

Lucifer: Don't bring Him into this

Lucas: Ok, let's go - they walked out of the room

Lucifer: You should have some more respect for the authorities

Lucas: I respect her just fine.

Lucifer: And you must respect me as well

Lucas: And why should I respect you? It's not like you have been here through thick and thin, is it? - Lucifer just looked at him, didn't really know what to say - I'll wait in the car

He walked out of the shop to the car

Chloe: Lucifer..

Lucifer: I believe we have an interrogation and some more work ahead of us. After you detective.

She was going to say something but she didn't. She just walked to the car as well and he followed her.
They all got in the car and headed to the station.
The car ride was awkwardly silent, which was expected. There was a big tension between Lucifer and Lucas.

As they arrived in the station, Chloe sat Lucas down on her desk and pulled Lucifer aside

Lucifer: Detective, I don't think it's the right time for this - she closed the door

Chloe: You have a son?

Lucifer: Well


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