what does he have that i don't?

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patiently waiting for Mel had turned into me demanding her to come back.




because I-I miss you
(ok I'll admit, that's really cringe looking back)

but seriously hurry up please
I'm lonely😔

right as I was about to type back I heard the door open and heard. "FBI OPEN UP BITCH". I rushed downstairs, because I knew it was mel because I gave her the key."Hey mel did you bring everything"? I asked looking at the bags she had in her hand." Yeah I got snacks,drinks,your sketch book, and the ice cream". I won't ask why she has the ice cream but I know it's not for me."ok let me put the ice cream in the freezer and we can head up to set up the your stuff or whatever your great idea was". she walked away to the fridge while I decided to go upstairs and wait in my room.

<time skip>

after about 5 minutes later she finally arrived with everything."Ok girl get your ass up and let's get to work".
I got up and went to my computer and entered the password and then I let her set up the rest.

<time skip by future'frxg ✨️the editor✨️ who forgot to add this in the first place, and it was probably really confusing for a lot of you before, and I'm so sorry for my bad grammar in the past holy shit->

"Annnnnd finished"! she says as she looks over to me."So when are planning on starting"? "Probably tomorrow"."k, well call me if there's any problems"! "Bye". "Bye". she says as she leaves.
hi. ok bye :)
song- dance,baby!- by boy pablo
words- 320
EDITED- 10/10/2022

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