Chapter 8

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Over the next few weeks, Alex came up with a case of the space flu. Alex sat down on the floor of the hallway. Ever since he got up he had not been feeling well. John walked up to him, "Alex are you okay?" John asked. Alex snapped. "Why is everyone asking me that?! I'm fine," Alex grumbled. John looked at him for a moment. Leaving Alex to feel guilty. "I'm sorry John, it's not your fault, I'm just not my best today," Alex said. "What's wrong?" John asked. 

"I don't know, ever since we came across that monster-like bacteria I haven't been feeling well," Alex said. "Let's take you to Eliza," John said. When they got there Eliza took an examination of Alex. When she got the results she immediately pushed the intercom button calling a meeting.

She examined everyone and put them through a test putting it in the machine. "Alex you're going to be put in quarantine, John you're test came back positive seeing that he has spread it to you," Eliza said. The 2 we're put in a room. "Hey, if you're test came back positive then how come you aren't sick," Alex sniffled. "My space flu is asymptomatic," John said. 

Alex groaned. John laid Alex on the bed, "Just get some rest," John whispered. Alex nodded and tried to but couldn't. Eventually, John put on headphones with relaxing water sounds and that knocked Alex right out.

John made sure to do everything he could to keep Alex in comfort. "John, I'm fine," Alex said. "Are you sure?" John asked fluffing the pillows. Alex held John's hand "I love you, and seeing you do all this for me warms my heart, but if I need something I'll tell you," Alex said he gently pecked John's forehead before falling asleep again.

A few weeks passed and they got better. Things were going smooth and soon the time for their visit back to Earth approached until Alex went missing. John was the most emotional. "If he went on the jet then there is a possibility he got into a black hole," Laf said. "Can you feel anything?" Herc asked. John shook his head, he hadn't been getting any feelings from Alex ever since he went missing. 

"Well, there are 7 different universes we'll do some research and then we'll check them out," Laf said pulling up the diagram. John and Angelica spent most of the time researching them, "It must be this one, it's the only universe where you can't feel your soulmate," Angelica said. And they wasted no time. Laf had to pilot them there though. And it was a very bumpy ride. 

Meanwhile, Alex wandered around the tower and knocked out a guard, he was going to make an escape. He pulled the guard off to the side and took his armor. He yen proceeded to walk towards the exit, pretending to be a guard. Meanwhile, Laf and John had already put on their guard disguises and began walking. They parted ways, and soon Alex and John bumped into each other. Since they were masked they didn't know it was the other. They both pulled out their swords and began attacking each other. Alex pinned John down, and John twisted Alex's leg over and pinned him down. Alex struggled but due to John's strength, there was no safe way to escape. John reached down to remove the mask and pulled it off. When he saw Alex he gasped before pulling him into a hug. This surprised Alex, "Who are you?" Alex asked. John pulled off his mask and Alex's eyes widened. 

"John! I knew you'd come and get me," Alex said as he hugged back. "You scared me so much, where were you? What happened? Are you hurt?" John began asking questions and observing Alex. "I'm fine, I got into a wormhole, and then ended up here, where I was captured by the Galra who have taken control of this universe as well, and just this morning I escaped," Alex said. John set Alex in his lap. "Can you pilot us home? Laf's piloting makes me feel like we're going to crash," John said. Alex smiled. "I missed you," he whispered. "I missed you too," John replied. Laf soon came in. "Alex! You're okay," he said a d joined the hug.

That night, John made sure Alex didn't go on any more missions for the night. "You were gone for a whole month," John whispered. They were currently cuddling in the bed. "Really, it felt like a week," Alex said as he fondled John's hair. "How'd you survive?" John asked. "By not eating the poison food they gave me," Alex replied. John looked at Alex for a moment. Alex was very focused on doing his hair and honestly, he thought it was adorable. John closed his eyes and felt Alex's fingers gently move through his hair. 

They both blushed a bit. John opened his eyes and seeing Alex working and blushing was the cutest thing ever. "Are you blushing?" John teased. Alex blushed even more, "Um, no," he said pulling his hands away to cover his face. "Don't stop," John said as he pulled Alex's hand away gently. "It's cute," he said. Alex blushed even more and continued his work with John's hair. John eventually fell asleep while Alex continued, until John subconsciously grabbed Alex's waist and put his keg in between Alex's legs. Alex blushed as he felt John's soft breathing on his neck. John didn't snore and it was peacefully quiet every time Alex slept with John. Alex's eyes began to close and he soon fell asleep to the soft tickles of John's breathing and hair.

John woke up the next morning to a sleeping Alex. Alex was all curled up next to John.

That day was mostly spent with them talking about their past experiences with feeling each other. "Oh remember that time you tried football?" Alex asked. John nodded. "You were a good player, but when you got hurt I had ached for days," Alex said. John smiled. "Well, what about that time where you had your first pilot lesson. I was wobbling all around the house," John said. "That was like when I was 13," Alex said. "Yeah and I was 14, it looked weird to be stumbling and having to sit down," John said. "Remember the first time we met at the Garrison?" Alex asked. "Yeah we got into a fight with Madison and Francis," John said. "We sure showed them who was boss," Alex said smiling.

The next day though Alex had the space flu again. "Whoops, I forgot to give him the medicine to cure it," Eliza said. She poured the supplement and handed it to Alex who stared at the measurement. It was a black oozing bubbly liquid. Alex handed it back, "There is no way I'm going to drink that," he said. Eliza frowned, "How'll you get better?" She asked Alex turned his head and John took the supplement over to him. "Come on Alex, it's just a small supplement," John said. Alex still kept his head turned. John gently kissed his cheek and Alex turned towards him. "Please, I want to see you get better," John said. 

Alex frowned and took it in his hands. He quickly took it down and swallowed it. Alex began gagging at the awful taste and John shuddered a bit at it. Alex laid back and fell asleep immediately. "Don't wake him or else he'll have to take another," Eliza said. John nodded and put the blanket over Alex. After a few hours Alex woke up again, he groaned and looked around. John walked into the room after a few minutes. "Glad to see you awake, things were getting boring," John said. Alex smiled, patting the spot next to him.

The next week was a hardship, everyone was being challenged which led to some tension between the team. And then they went on a mission in disguise to the space mall. "I can't believe how much this place looks like Earth malls," Peggy whispered. They wandered around for a moment. "Remember everyone, find the microchip," Laf said. They all split up.

That was until security found them out. Herc hopped onto the motorbike and began trying to find the others. Meanwhile, Alex was looking for the chip he saw the office and headed towards it and pulled the chip from the case as soon as that happened the alarm went off. Meanwhile, Herc picked up the girls who were laughing at the makeup they had tried. Herc had to admit steering this thing was hard. He then picked up John, and they saw Alex. Alex hopped on while running like the others. He looked at the motorbike, 

"Can I take the steer?" Alex asked and Herc gave him the controls. Alex immediately got used to it and headed towards Laf who hopped on. The security, meanwhile, was chasing after them on motorbikes. Alex zoomed out of the store. "They're catching up!" Laf said. Alex pulled the lever on the steer. Angelica clutched his waist. He looked at the upcoming cliff. "What're you doing?!" Herc asked. "It's our best escape," Alex said. "Have you ever done this before?!" Peggy asked. "Nope!" Alex said. He sped up. 

"What if it doesn't work?!" Angelica asked. "It's going to have to!" Alex said. The wind gusted harder and they plummeted off the cliff. Everyone but Alex screamed as they went down. "Alex turned the brakes on the heel and they landed softly. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" John said. Alex smiled. "That's cute!" He said. They rode out and Alex made sure to navigate back to the ship.

When they reached back Laf seemed disappointed. "We didn't get the chip," he said. "Yes we did see," Alex said, handing Laf the chip. Everyone gasped. "It was in the lobby," Alex said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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