Chapter 3

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That night, Alex and John were training on a new technique in the training room. John pinned Alex down. "Ha, I win again," John said. Alex huffed and John got off him. "That's because you're the best one at combat," Alex said. John put his face close to Alex's until the tip of their noses were touching. "I love you," Alex said and John connected their lips in a swift yet gentle motion.

That night though the ship had a malfunction, Alex and Eliza got trapped in an airlock and the others were trying to get them out. Alex and Eliza touched the glass. Laf, Herc, and Angelica were pushing buttons and trying to pry the glass. Meanwhile, Peggy and John were trying to comfort them. 

"Don't worry you guys we'll get you out," Peggy said confidently. Alex and Eliza were panting and had red circles under their eyes. Alex knew the others couldn't do anything they would have to find a way out from the inside. Alex looked around and looked at the lining of the glass. All of a sudden the airlock opened and Eliza began to fly out, Alex grabbed her hand, "Close it!" he screamed and Angelica pushed the button. 

The Airscape closed. Alex groaned as the air thinned out. He helped Eliza up and reached for his glasses in his pocket. "Wait, this is transparent glass," Alex said. "Someone get a flashlight," he said. Peggy rushed over and got the flashlight. "Now point it at my glasses," Alex instructed Peggy turned on the flashlight. Alex lined up the lenses and after 30 seconds the light started to burn through the glass. They all smiled. Eliza passed out by then she leaned on Alex and Alex's vision began getting blurry as he panted a bit. He only had a little more to go. His eyes began to close, "Come on Alex, focus," John said. Alex continued and soon the glass cracked. Alex put his glasses back and held Eliza as he put his hand on the glass pushing against it. Alex gasped and felt his eyes droop, he pushed harder and the glass broke he fell with Eliza and everything went black.

John gasped and the group rushed over the sisters cradling Eliza and John cradling Alex. John held Alex close and gave him soft kisses on the forehead. Alex's eyes slowly began to open and he looked up at John and smiled. John blushed and looked at Alex. "Are you okay?" John asked. Alex nodded. John gently lifted Alex up and Laf helped lift Eliza up. John carried Alex to his room. Alex gently tugged at John's shirt. "Can you stay with me?" Alex asked. John nodded. This ended up with Alex tucked comfortably between John's legs and with his head on John's chest. John ran his fingers through Alex's hair softly and kissed Alex's forehead. Alex looked at his soulmate's ring and smiled.

"You know you scared me back there in the airlock right?" John said. Alex chuckled, "I love how you worry about me like that," he said. John smiled, "Well if I don't worry about you, who will?" John said. Alex buried his face in John's neck. "I'll try not to worry you anymore for the rest of the week," Alex said. John sighed in relief, "Thanks Alex," he whispered as Alex fell asleep in his arms.

The next few weeks were good and less worrisome until they came across a troubling discovery. There was a comet zooming right towards them. "What do we do?" Peggy asked. Laf put his hand in his hands. "I don't know," he said. Angelica pulled up a diagram. "The situation is dire, that comet is coming at us at a speed of 700k/m per hour which is equal to 434.96 miles per hour, if this thing hits us, we will all die out here in the explosion," she explained putting down the screen. "Well we can't risk moving, this ship is operated by the technology we don't know, and on top of that, this universe is full of black holes and wormholes we could get destroyed and end up in the middle of nowhere," John said. 

Laf sighed, "When will the comet arrive?" he asked. Eliza looked at the monitor, it's coming in 3 days," she said. Laf thought about this. The others were very worried. Alex stepped forward, "What if we destroy the comet before it makes an impact?" he said. They all looked up, "What're you saying?" John asked. Alex pulled up the diagram again. "This comet has the size no bigger than a jet," he mentioned. "If it's hurling right towards us at a direct angle, then we can use an appropriately sized laser that can destroy it to bits," Alex said. They all thought about this, "Well I can start making the blueprints," Herc said. "Yeah, but how are we going to get an appropriate angle? 

This thing is hitting us from the front, so we can't arrange a laser without us going out there, which is too risky," Peggy said. "Well, we'll use the simple laws of gravity which are similar to the ones in our universe. Thrust, Lift, and Drag," Alex said confidently. "We can get the right angle by using a jet," Alex said. Laf looked at him suspiciously already knowing what Alex was suggesting, "What are you suggesting?" Laf asked. Alex looked over at him, "If I can pilot the laser at the right angle we won't meet impact, I just have to find the right order," Alex said. They all reacted to this especially John. "You can't go up there, it's too dangerous," he said and the others made sounds of agreement. "Yeah, and what if you can't do the right order?" Laf asked.

 "You could get paralyzed or even killed," Eliza said. "And what if you have a malfunction?" Herc asked. "What if you get sucked into a black hole or wormhole?" Angelica asked. "And you could crash right into the comet," Peggy said. Alex looked at them all, then back at the comet monitor, "Do you guys have a better idea?" Alex asked. They all looked down. "Come on you guys, this is a great experience as a pilot as well, I'm up for the challenge," Alex said. They all looked at him for a moment. "Please, I know I can do this," Alex said.

"I'll get started on the laser," Herc said walking away. "I'll get started on making the fuel," Eliza said, leaving. "I'll stay monitoring the comet," Angelica said going back to the monitor. "I'll work on getting the jet ready," Peggy said as she made her way out. "I'll work on communication engineering," Laf said as he left. 

"You're going to help me figure out the simulator order," Alex said, John whimpered, and "Alex," turned around to him. He gently cupped John's cheek, "Alex, I don't want you doing this," John said. Alex sighed, "I'm sorry John, but I know I can do this, and when I get back I promise that if possible we'll all have a try to stay awake contest," Alex said. John smiled slightly before frowning again. "Well we better get to work," he said.

The first day was stressful and they were very busy. Laf and Peggy helped Herc build the laser when they were done with their jobs, which made it go faster. And Eliza had finished up the fuel which was guaranteed greatness. 

Angelica kept close surveillance on the comet. Alex observed the jet, "You guys did a great job," he commented. The second day was the hardest everyone was coping with emotional stress. Alex and John were failing the simulator math. Alex was under serious pressure. He pulled the lever in the simulator and steered as he failed again. Alex drained out, he set down the tablet and sighed. 

John walked in, "Alex take a break," John said. "I can't I have to make sure this works," Alex said looking at the notebook full of math they did and the whiteboard that was on the side of the room. John set down the platter and handed Alex the glass of milk and a cookie. Alex sighed. "I know this is a lot of pressure, and honestly, I don't even want you doing this, but we can try together," John said rubbing Alex's back. Alex smiled, if John had faith in him then he could certainly do it. 

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