Chapter 6

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And soon that day came. With John and Alex going to attack. John and Alex both separated. Alex headed to the main room while John went to take down guards. Alex soon finished and as he began walking away, he felt a burning painful feeling. He fell to the ground and groaned. The feeling soon faded away and he got up and quickly began to search for John.

John meanwhile was put in the burner and he banged on the door and began to cough at the smoke. Meanwhile, Alex was running to the burner he found the door locked. He knocked on it, "John?!" He said he heard a cough. "Yeah?" John replied. "Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of there," Alex said. He began looking for a way to open the door.

The sounds of guards came and Alex climbed up the vent. He used his suction cup boots to stay up and watched as they passed by. That's when h got an idea. The pen Peggy and Herc made. As soon as the guards left, Alex hopped down and sprayed the acid on the door, and used the laser to burn through. He walked in and found John on the floor coughing. 

Alex quickly picked him up and carried him out. John coughed up smoke and Alex wiped the black smoke from his face with a cloth. "John, are you okay?" Alex asked. John nodded and inhaled the fresh air. Alex held John and gently pecked his lips. "Come on, we have to find a way out of here," Alex said. John got up and they both made their way towards the exit. Their jet packs were at headquarters so they had to walk.

Soon they separated so that they could create a distraction to leave quickly and without harm. John distracted the guards while Alex got the jet ready. Soon John ran around the hallways, he came to the exit and put his air helmet on. Alex was supposed to be there to pick him up. He didn't see Alex anywhere and the guards were after him. 

John looked down and jumped. He began to fall, and that's when he felt something catch him. He opened his eyes to see Alex swoop by and catch him. The air chute closed, and Alex smiled at him. "Told you you could trust me," he said. John buckled up and Alex pulled the booster lever. As they blasted back towards the ship.

When they got back, they were both exhausted.

And that night Alex had trouble sleeping, he kept dreaming about the fact that he was half Galra made people think he wasn't worthy to be a Paladin, but the fact that he was the prodigy pilot made others think otherwise. Alex soon woke up and groaned.

He heard a knock at his door, "Come in," he said. John walked in. "Hey Alex, are you having trouble sleeping?" John asked. Alex nodded. "The feeling I'm getting from you is more than bad dreams, do you wanna talk about it?" John asked. Alex looked down and John sat next to him. "I can't ignore the fact that I'm half Galra," Alex said. 

John looked at him. "What do you mean?" John asked. "It's just that I feel like people are debating on whether I should be a Paladin or not," Alex said. "Who told you that?" John asked. "When I was on Earth after the meeting, I bumped into this guy training in the Garrison program. He said that I shouldn't even be a Paladin because I'm half Galra and that he should have been chosen as a Paladin and not me," Alex said on the verge of tears. John took Alex in his arms. "Don't listen to that guy, he's just jealous because you're so much better than him. If you hadn't come along, I would've never found you as my soulmate. The comet would have hit us, Peggy could've died, and me as well. You're special, that's why you were chosen. You're special to everyone on this ship and so many more who look up to you. You're smart, brave, resilient and so much more, Alex," John said. 

"Don't ever think you're less than unique," John said. Alex felt his heart swell with love. "Thank you, John, I'm glad you're my soulmate," Alex said. John put Alex to lay down, "Now get some rest," John said kissing Alex's forehead before walking out. Alex's eyes began to droop and he was overtaken by peaceful slumber.

The next day was the weirdest yet. Peggy came up to Alex excitedly, "Hey Alex can I test out something?" Peggy asked. Alex looked at her. "Can't you do it to someone else?" He asked. Peggy shook her head. "It has to be you, now come on," Peggy said as she pulled Alex away from the kitchen table. "Wait, what about breakfast?" Alex asked. "Later," Peggy said. They walked into the laboratory to see Herc preparing the seat. Alex sat down in it. The machine pulled out a syringe that contained an amount of a purple liquid. Alex back away uncomfortably. "First tell me what you guys are going to do," Alex said. The machine stopped. "Since you're half Galra, we want to see if we can do an experiment to see if there is a possible way to develop a test," Peggy said. Alex sighed. "And it's for the benefit of science," Herc added. 

"What's going to happen?" Alex asked. "Well once we five you the syringe we're going to try to make you as angry as possible so that we can observe Galra's side," Peggy said. Alex looked very uncomfortable. "Will this wear off?" He asked. Herc nodded, "In about 10 hours," Herc reassured him. "What are the side effects?" Alex asked. "Well, some may include itchiness during Galra side and sore at injection," Peggy said. They both looked at him with hopeful eyes. "Fine," Alex said. The machine started again and gave Alex the injection. 

Meanwhile, John was at the breakfast table. He felt a pain in his arm and jumped a bit. The others looked at him. John hurried up to Alex's room and didn't find him. That's when he went on full worried more when he felt anger rush over him. "You guys, where's Alex?!" John asked frantically. "Well Peggy pulled him down to the lab," Laf said. John hurried to the lab. And found Peggy and Herc strapping down someone that was purple like a Galran. But he had the same clothes Alex had put on this morning. The jeans, the red shirt, and the white shoes. They both looked at John and chuckled nervously. John walked over to see Alex but in Galra form. His usual small fangs had gotten a bit bigger, his eyes were yellow, and he was struggling crazily. "What'd you guys do to him?" John asked. 

"We wanted to do an experiment, so we gave him a syringe and made him angry to see his Galra side and make an observation," Peggy said. John looked at the strapped-up Alex who was kicking his legs furiously. Herc and Peggy back away. John stepped forward though. Alex hissed at John. John narrowed his eyes and hissed back. Alex was taken aback by this, and John took the opportunity to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek. Alex calmed down and Peggy and Herc watched in amazement. John caressed Alex's cheek. "I know you're angry, especially after not having breakfast yet," John said as he looked back at Peggy and Herc. 

They both huffed. Alex growled lowly. "I'll go get you your breakfast," John said walking out. This caused Alex to have a tantrum and he began struggling again. John soon came back down and Alex calmed. John sat down next to Alex and put some food on the fork. Alex opened his mouth and John fee him. After breakfast. John was loosening the straps on Alex seeing that he had calmed down. "Now let's play a game," John said. "Today we'll spend the day together and if you behave at the end of your ten hours you get cuddles," John said. 

Alex nodded in agreement. Even though this was his Galra side he still had a little of him left. John fully untied Alex. Alex immediately crawled towards John and purred softly as he snuggled next to him. John smiled and hugged back.

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