A Long Time Ago...

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Fire and smoke. Ashes falling from the sky. Cries of people running for their lives, that is what was the result of the Mandalorian civil war on the planet of Mandalore. A young boy with dark black hair and Hazel colored eyes stood in the midst of the chaos as he watched in shock and horror as the glimmering city he once called home went up in flames. The people were dropping dead left and right.

The war between the New Mandalorian peace movement and the Martial Traditionalist raged on as their Bio-dome fell into chaos. Before the boy laid two bodies whom he recognized as his parent, their semi-charred corpses laid before him as they had tried to protect him from a grenade.

Everything went silent as the boy sat there in shock. Unbenounced to him, amongst the chaos, walked a hooded figure, it approached the boy seemingly unbothered by the chaos and the people either fighting each other or running away.

The hooded figure stopped in front of the boy, his large shadow, looming ominously over him, causing the boy to look up. When he turned to look up towards the figure, the boy could only see a pair of ominous, red eyes with no pupils. Nothing but red. The figure kneeled down before the boy, and before the boy could even react, the stranger waved a clawed, blue-gray colored hand in front of the boy's face.

The boy soon felt his eyelids become heavy as he fell into a deep sleep. Picking up the boy, the stranger noticed a name tag on the larger of the two corpses, which read "Volkov".

He then walked through the city until he reached a red, white, and black colored Mandalorian Kom'rk class fighter. The ship soon flew away and out of the planet's orbit as it encountered another similar ship, but it was blue and grey.

Shortly after, the other Mandalorian fight received an incoming transmission. "State your name and business." The Pilot asked as a screen appeared showing the hooded figure. "My name is of no importance. Are you Lieutenant Commander Volkov?" The stranger asked.

"Yes, I am." The pilot responded, being the man he had been looking for. "I have some urgent news to relay to you." the red-eyed being stated.


"Mandalore has broken out into another battle, this time too close to home. And I'm sorry to say that your brother and his wife are dead." The stranger words left a sunken feeling in Volkov's chest. His only brother was dead along with his sister-in-law. But then it hit him.

"What of my nephew? What about Jak? Is he all right?"

Volkov questioned with concern as dread began to course through him when the stranger did not reply right away. "The boy is alive." Volkov let out a sigh of relief as he somewhat relaxed in his chair. "Where is he?" The Lieutenant Commander asked, getting rather anxious.

"The boy is safe. He is here aboard  my ship. I decided to bring him to you. Away from any harm." The stranger replied. "Thank you, stranger." Volkov said as soon enough both ships landed on the moon of Concordia, which orbited Mandalore.

Stepping out with the boy asleep in his arms, the stranger approached the Lieutenant Commander and handed him the sleeping boy. "How can I ever repay you?" The Mandalorian asked.

"All I ask is that you train him and raise that boy to be a man. I also wish for you to guard this." The stranger said as he handed him a small locked chest. "What's in it?" Volkov asked with curiosity. "All you need to know is that what lays inside is an ancient and powerful artifact that many would seek out to use for their own dark purposes. I ask that you never open it, no matter what." The stranger spoke with a stern tone. "Very well, I understand." The stranger then turned his attention to the sleeping Jak that rested in his uncle's arms, head laying on his shoulder.

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