Safe place

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You were currently sitting at a table with mirio, nejire and Tamaki who's chair was really close to yours. You were eating some cake with your f/f. Tamaki was eating some calamari's. You didn't wanna know how that was going to play out with his quirk. Mirio was sharing his fries with Nejire. A man in his mid thirty came up to your table he slammed his hand on the table causing Tamaki to let out a little gasp. You, mirio and nejire looked at the man. Tamaki attempted to avoid eyecontact. "Hey ladies. I'm Shijii, Rusuki. And if your guy friends don't mind I would like to hang out with y'all" The man said winking. "Listen sir we're not in the moo-" Nejire was interrupted by you. "Excuse me?! You must be out of your fucking mind, We're high schoolers, You looking for jailtime! Or maybe you wanna get beat up?!" You said as you stood up from your chair. "Damn you feisty aren't you" Shijjii  said grabbing your chin. "You old fucking man keep your damn crusty hand to yourself!" You grabbed his arm and twisted it. Since there wasn't many people in the little restaurant, except your friends and the shop owner, and the shop owner did not care. The man begab groaning in pain. Tamaki gripped the end of your dress and pulled it a little. You noticed and looked at tamaki. Tamaki shook his head no signaling that you should probably stop now. You  pushed Shijji and sat back down. Shijjii fell to the ground but quickly got up, well not quickly he struggled a bit because of his bad back. But once he got up he didn't leave. "Heh I love a women who can fight for herself. You know you should leave your friends for me, I could give you anythin-" Shijjii was interrupted by Tamaki sudden move. Tamaki stood up pushing his chair back causing his chair to  hit the floor. "L-listen she not interested! If you don't leave now I will call the police!" Tamaki said in angered tone. Shijjii rolled his eyes and continued to flirt with you. Tamaki had enough..

Tamaki punched shijjii in the jaw causing the man to collapse. You, mirio and Nejire stared at him in complete shock. You then leaned over the table and looked at  Shijjii you sighed and sat up correctly and looked at your friends. "Tamaki broke his jaw" You said laughing a little. "Y/N! Why are you laughing Tamaki broke his jaw!" Mirio said. "Well first off Tamaki just  practically stood up for himself, and the asshole got what he deserved." You said. Nejire sighed. "I mean she right, but moving on what are we going to do, we shouldn't leave his body on the cold tile floor." Nejire said. "Lets just leave him to the owner." You said. "Y/n we caused this so we should take care of it." Mirio said.  Tamaki was turned to the wall trying to forget what he just did. "Okay the me and Elf- I mean Tamaki will take the moron to the front of the hospital then head back to school, make sure to tell the teacher that we just went to the bathroom." You said grabbing your bag. "Okay then don't take long." Mirio said opening door for Nejire.  They walked out. You opened your bag and pulled out 40 dollars and put it on the table. You then put all of your attention on tamaki. "Um tamaki yes gotta bring this man to the hospital", you said putting your hand on his shoulder. Tamaki turned your way and made eye contact with you for a few seconds before rushing into your arms. You were a little shooken but you wrapped  on arm around tamaki and put the other on his hair. He head was buried in your shoulder. "Y-y/n..I didn't mean to punch him, it was an accident..You don't think any less of me right? Please! Tell me you don't... I-I just wanted to protect you and nejire" Tamaki said shaking a little bit. "Tamaki, I get it, I really do, And I don't think any thing of you except that your a cute little elf. But also next time something like this happens again let me  handl-" you were interrupted by Tamaki pushing you back. "This is going to happen again!?" Tamaki said with his eyes wide open. You fell and landed on a chair. "Well I hope not but,  never mind that let's get this bozo to the hospital before we actually get caught." You said getting up and grabbing on side of shijjii Body. Tamaki grabbed his bag then grabbed the other side of shijjii body. You and him then walked out the shop with shijji body. You got a lot of weird stares but you and tamaki made it to the hospital and you guys dropped of shijjii body in front of the hospital and ran into a alley not to far away from the school. You were taking some heavy breaths. While Tamaki just stared at you. His face went red. You fell back and leaned against the wall and closed your eyes continuing to breath. You opened your eyes. "Okay tama-" You stopped because Tamaki had both of his hand trapping you. He was also really close to your face. "T-tamaki? Why are you so  close?" You said. Tamaki mumbled a bit and his ears began twitching. You notice and touched his ear. You then pulled him down gently by his ear. Then blew in it. Tamaki blushed and started mumbling. He put his arm down then held his ears gently. You laughed. "I'll just call Principal nezu and told him you felt 'sick' so I escorted you to your dorm and was going to be taking care of you." You said putting your hand on Tamaki cheek.

-time skip-(tamaki dorm)

You were laying in tamaki bed with tamaking laying on top of you. "Hey y/n, why did you bully me in junior high." Tamaki said. You sighed. "Well..Thats where being higher up gets you. I didn't want to bully you Tamaki, It was just those were kids that took an interest in me and I wasn't very brave back then or smart, so I just followed." You said. "I knew it!" Tamaki said as his face formed a smile. "Knew what?" You said. "I- I knew you weren't a bad person." Tamaki said.  You ruffled his hair. Tamaki the raised his hand up your shirt. You noticed but you didn't stop. "Y/n your warm. Its nice" Tamaki said. You put both your hands on tamaki face and made him look at you. "Tamaki did you know you resemble a puppy very well, your cute, shy, can be brave when you need to be, loving." You said. Tamaki leaned in for a kiss. You turned your head the other way..

Word count: 1171

𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒-Yandere!𝑇𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑖 𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑖𝑘𝑖 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now