Chapter 2

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Good morning neko!! i hope you have a good day or night wherever you are!

This is new. No one ever texts me good morning. Not even Kuroo since it would've been annoying.

I reread the text about a dozen of times, before actually replying. I'm still half awake so it's hard to focus on what i'm reading and writing. I guess this stranger is a clingy kind of person. It's not a bad thing, it's just too tiring for me to deal with clingy people.

I sigh and reply quickly before getting out of bed and getting ready for school.

Good morning. Have a good day too.

. . .

At school during lunch break, Kuroo and I are seated next to each other on a picnic table outside, since it's less crowded here than inside the cafeteria. We're just chatting about random stuff again, well, Kuroo is doing most of the talking, as usual.

"Hey Kuroo, is it normal for a stranger to send you a goodnight and morning text after being friends after meeting you online less than 24 hours ago?" I ask bluntly, instantly regretting it since it is so out of topic. And i don't usually care about things like this. Kuroo just stares at me blankly before actually answering, with that smirk of his that seems to never leave his face. Like it's permanently glued or something.

"Kenma, did you meet someone online?" Kuroo asks, and i just nod, not entirely sure if he's gonna help me out or make fun of me. Maybe both.

"That's... i was not expecting that. Unless you met them in game or something. Either way, it's pretty normal if they actually want to be your friend. Unless they just wanna trick you into believing you're friends and then stalking you." Kuroo says, pausing to take a sip of his water. He then goes back to looking at me and continues talking.

"You know you can't completely trust people on the internet. They could be putting out a whole different image of themselves than what they really are in real life. But that doesn't apply to everyone. Who knows, this stranger could be your soulmate." Kuroo teases and i roll my eyes. But i have to admit that it's true what he just said, and it's creepy.

I finish eating my lunch and so does Kuroo, and minutes later, the bell rings signaling everyone in school that lunch is over.

. . .

"Kenma-senpai! Can you set for me pleaseee??" A super tall figure stands in front of me with a volleyball in hand. I look up and sigh when my eyes meet Lev's. We're in practice now, and just when I though i was done, he comes up to me.
"Sure, i guess. I'll come in a sec." I say, and Lev gets all happy about it. I didn't want to deal with sad Lev today, so i gave in and accepted his request.

I glance at my phone, and notice two new messages from LittleGiant in the game. I scan through them quickly.

Hiiii!!! \(o'O'o)/
How's your day going??
i wanted to ask if you've got discord??? It would be easier to chat there haha. Only if you want though!!

I don't have enough time to reply, since i've got to set for Lev, so i just shove my phone inside my bag and head towards Lev and we begin our practice.

After what seemed like an eternity, practice is finally over, and I drag myself, with the little stamina left in my body, to the where my bag is, which is in the corner of the gym on the floor. I sit down next to it and start drinking my water from my water bottle. I then take my phone out of my bag and open the first game on my homepage. After it loads me in, i open the chat between LittleGiant an I, and when i do so, I can feel someone's presence beside me.

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