Batman and His Villains

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You can never understand why they do

What they do

Or why they feel

What they feel.

Until you learn about their past

You cannot fully appreciate them

Relate to them

Understand them.

But once you finally love them

You forget that you must hate them

A murderer becomes a hero of a tragedy

A hero who is sent into the Thunderdome

A fight between two forms of good

It becomes a popularity contest

Rock vs Cena, Luke vs Vader, Sonic vs Knuckles.

But in our passion, we forget to ask ourselves, why?

Why these two are fighting

What it means for one of them to win

The true fight between what is good and what is evil

Is it for us to decide what is truly bad and what is truly good?

Perhaps… when two of these “villains” fight one another

Only for their aggression to be stopped by their equal hatred for what is good

Maybe that inner corruption, which they share

That is what truly makes them villains.

But yet, why is it?

The craziest of them all

Too often

Seems the most relatable?

And why is his admirer

The one meant to seem annoying

And ironically insane despite her former work as a psychologist

Why is she popular?

Why is the hero

Who’s personality has been ill defined

And drastically evolved throughout his history

Why do people find him relatable?

Perhaps we live in a world of


Harley Quinns

And Batmen

Perhaps we live in a world of


The fangirls of madmen

And heroes without definitions.

If we live in such a world

Then the world is not a stage

It’s a puppet show

With a story that makes no sense.


That world would not consider


And Robins

Yet those characters

A man rising from the sewers, to the good life

And a young student learning to persevere the dark ways of his world.

The most relatable, but not the most popular.

Who can relate to a man who hides behind a mask?

Who can relate to a woman who throws away everything for the sake of blind lust?

Who can relate to a man who can slaughter thousands with a smile on his face?

Ergo,  the facts are clear.

Most people

Hide from their true selves

For the sake of denying

Their own faults.

Thus, a popularity contest

That is what morality comes down to in the dark city of gotham.

The world is Gotham City.

We are all tragic heroes in our own right.

But the fact is

whether we wear a mask or not

most of us have secret identities

and those masks don’t cover our face from outside, but from within.

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