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A bad day, ahead with William's family, trouble in the sky with series of rain falls, at the third quarter of night, yet vehicles horns just a busy road would be, mrs william really in stake with pressure as she was pregnant, and about to have their first .

She yell and yawn for tea, so could relaxed much better, 'willie .. Get me tea, would you?, a voice replying at the background, take it easy am on it, will you. She gags, because she knew that's the only way to get him speed up, five minutes later, honey you yelled so hard, don't def my little kiko (child), as replied, mrs William doing fine, he took excuse to check the trashcan if its went out, mrs enjoying her relaxation.
Then she head a sound thinking willie is up to, doing something at this later night, she asked with yelling, but no response, repeatedly abortive. She unease from her comfort, in search went outside, but could not find a trace of him, shakes her shoulder, he has done the disposal himself.
She went back to relaxed herself, after sitting for a while,a pop in her head, then why the sound , it definitely from the left direction, let me check it out, as she purse the direction where the uncomfortable sound is coming, she learn to call her husband this time with a polite whispering, so cold with thought she had to pick up a barting for self-defense, switching on all the light from that direction, she could not figure out anything, so she transgressed toward the kitchen waiting to smash with her held barten.

Now she is in the kitchen, yet no signal, but the noise withdrawn from all angles, normal , shoulder shake again, then she has again an squeeze breath, more of a person struggling with life, she took her time to turn around carefully, carefully, she said what tha'hell? And screemed.

Good morning, mrs William, the doctor greeted, what's going on ? Replied, and the doctor gave her reply on what happened, and why she was rushed down to this place. Where is my husband she was furious, then she noticed her tummy is flat, she yelled out loudly, wards could hear her.
Nurses and the doctor, trying to calm her down, willing to know what happened to her baby, thinking it would put smile to her face, kind answer's you baby is doing well, but we are sorry what happened to your husband William  Gatehead.
Quickly, she hopped down to where her child is, yet not feeling too well, of her encounter, she grabbed her daughter looked her in the face, words her with encouragement, even though, she notice reply won't emmance from the little kiko, just how william would have called her if he held her.

Few hours later
Then she observed, the movements in ward line, she struggled her ill-health and her new born, and they opt out.
Branch home pick up stuff and cash, and went out, still can't feel her self, she smuggled, her bleeding self, finally she could not continue anymore, looking at her baby crying, not because she can care for, but note she will die before time.

Death make her took a nap, living kiko behind. But lucky kiko, who was rescue, by a couple, heading back from the hospital, with a broken news from doctor.

'Baby look, what's there ? Immediate they rush down rush down, steering at a dead body and a little baby sleeping which they assumed to be dead, she tapped her husband look the baby is not dead, just sleeping, replied, her husband what should we do? We take the baby, it seems the mother is dead.

Ela-stikalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora