Chapter 14: The Plan (Edited)

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(Zach's POV)

We discussed our plan as we're walking towards the Orpheum. Hopefully, this plan will save us from Caleb's curse.

"Look. Don't worry, guys. Willie said he'd get us on that marquee," Alex tells us as we stopped outside of the Orpheum.

"This is gonna work, right?" Reggie asks.

"It has to," Luke says, right after another jolt hits the four of us. The jolt was getting worse and worse every minute. We groaned in pain as we clutched our chests to ease the pain.

"Hey, you guys okay?" We turned around to see Willie behind us.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's nothing we haven't felt before," Alex managed to respond.

"How'd it go?" I ask.

"Well, when that opening band wakes up, they're gonna find their bus two hundred miles outside of Vegas," Willie says as he turned around to show the back of his new jacket, "with no chance of getting back in time."

"And that means there's probably a promoter upstairs right about now freaking out," Luke says excitingly.

"Nah. This is Hollywood, man. I'm sure he's being very professional," Willie states.

Alex steps forward to Willie, he looks back at me and I took the hint as I gestured the boys to step back with me to give the two privacy.

"So, are you and Reggie finally together now?" Luke asks with a smirk, making my face turn slightly red. I look at Reggie for approval and he nodded. I smiled back at him before turning to Luke.

"Yeah," I responded, before slipping my hand into Reggie's and intertwined our fingers together. "We're now official."

"Finally!" Luke exclaims. "It's about time you guys get together, now I won't have to hear Reggie complain about you not making the first move."

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows at Reggie.

"Yeah," Reggie replied sheepishly. I smiled at him and leaned forward to press a peck on his cheek, making him chuckle. I turned around slightly seeing that Willie skated away from Alex.

"Alex. You alright, man?" Reggie asks once we walked closer to him.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay," Alex responds.

"Well, thanks to Willie, Panic! At The Disco needs an opening band," Luke says.

"Which means someone up there needs to know we're available," I say before the four of us poofed up to where a man behind his desk is currently yelling through the phone.

"No---No, no, stop---Stop saying the bus drove itself!" He shouted and slammed the phone on the table, before taking a deep breath and attempting to calm down.

"Yeah, Willie was right," Reggie whispered. "This guy's a total pro."

"Alright guys, let the magic happen. Alex, no dancing," Luke said to Alex. Alex immediately hopped on his toes and begins dancing around the room, ending with a spin before knocking off a jar of pens off of the woman's desk.

The woman muttered something under her breath before bending down to pick them up, I leaned over her to pull up or video while Alex writes down Julie's number on the notepad.

"Go, go, press play!" Luke hurries me.

"She's coming! She's coming!" Reggie warns us as I quickly press play on the video, right before the woman sat up. The woman looks at the screen with confusion as Julie's voice rings from the video, followed by the four of us leaning over her shoulder.

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