chapter 16

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I woke up back in my room, my room in New Jersey. The dream of Nick finding me had terrified me, tears streaming down my cheeks as I held my belly in both of my hands, rubbing the bump to calm myself down. I had to tell myself multiple times it was just a dream to keep myself from passing out from all the sobbing I was bound to start.

My dream proved that, despite all the miles I had put between myself and Nick, it still wasn't enough. It seemed that I had to move quickly. The dream seemed almost like a warning, telling me if I got too comfortable, he'd find me.

That's the last thing I wanted.


Without telling my uncle face to face, I left a note and set off in my car, my plan was to head north into Canada, then head west towards Alberta. I was grateful for all the money I had been able to save living with my uncle and I vowed I'd call him when I was safe.

Multiple nights were spent in my car, my need to save the money eating at me. I'm not sure why I had chosen Alberta, there were no ties there, nor any family. My family and I had spent many winters there, the need for elk and moose hunting driving my father to take us. If I was smart, I'd take my ass to Alaska, but since I eventually had to give birth, I figured this was my safest option.

I felt at peace as I entered the snow capped mountains, the chilled morning air on my skin blowing in from the crack in my window. It looked straight out of a post card, just the way I remembered.

I passed people, who sent a smile and a wave my way, making me do the same as I made my way through town.

I seen multiple signs on windows for jobs, but stopped in front of the doctors office when I seen it. Nick would never expect me to work for a doctor, not being very trusting of them.

All bell rang above me as I entered, the now warming air following me in.

"I'll be out in a second," a masculine voice yelled from somewhere in the back

"Take your time," I yelled back

Gazing around the room, I noticed it was a pediatricians office, childrens books and toys piled around on tables and a rug of a town covering the whole floor.

"Hi," someone panted

I turned slowly to see a beautiful set if hazle eyes scanning me, not judging but curious. He stood taller when I walked closer to him.

"I'm looking for someone who could tell me about the job," I said hesitantly

His eyes lit up and he walked around slowly to me, seeming to sense that I was slightly skittish. He gently stuck out his hand to me.

"That'd be me," he said with a soft smile

Shaking his hand, I eyed him.

"You're not dressed like a doctor," he chuckled at my statement

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"You're not dressed like a doctor," he chuckled at my statement

"Not yet I'm not, I just came in, we don't open for another 30 minutes," he smiled again

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean," he cut me off

"It's fine, you're not the first person to tell me that," he laughed

I laughed back and he gestured for me to follow him to the back. Walking, I kept my head down, not daring to make eye contact with the few women that were coming in the back door.

He stepped out of the way and sweeped his arm into his office. When I stepped in, he rushed slightly and pulled a chair out for me, smiling when I waddled over and sat down.

"Do you like children," he asked suddenly

"Yes," I smiled, gesturing to my stomach

"Congratulations, you and your husband must be excited," I shook my head

"It's just me," I whispered

He gave me a sad look, his eyes shining with sadness.

"I'm sorry," he whispered back

He quickly changed the subject, asking about my attributes and goals if I got this job. I told the truth.

"I plan on making this place my home, if I get the job, I won't be leaving,"

He beamed.

"When can you start,"

2 months later
October 15th

I had been working for Andrew, Andy he asked me to call him, and I couldn't be happier. He never yelled at his workers, never even raised his voice that I've heard, he was kind and would walk me to my car every night and greet me every morning.

"Good morning," he beamed at me

I tried to smile but it came out as a grimace, my due date was fast approaching and I was uncomfortable. He seemed to sense that, a sympathetic smile crossed his face and he gently wrapped an arm around my shoulder, guiding me into the building and into the nearest seat he could find.

"Stay there," he urged gently

He rushed away, while I struggled to get my jacket off as I started to sweat, cramps forming in my lower stomach. Running back in, I noticed he had a blood pressure cuff and quickly wrapped it around my arm and his fingers found my pulse on my wrist.

"How long have you felt this way," he was in professional mode, even if I wasn't a child

"Since last night," I panted

"We have to get you to the hospital," he stood up in a rush


"If my readings are right, you're in labor,"


Hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think
Stay safe

The end of it all (Nick Goode/reader)Where stories live. Discover now