chapter 11

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"Yes," she whispered

I couldn't keep my excited scream to myself and Will came rushing in, to see me jumping up and picking her up, spinning us around, tears in both of our eyes.

"I'M GONNA PUKE," she laughed loudly

I sat her back down on her feet and pulled her into a kiss, one that told her how happy I was. She moaned slightly into the kiss and Will slapped me on the back with a chuckle.

"Keep it PG till you get home please," he laughed

"Congratulations," Lisa squealed, running over and pulling us both into a hug

Y/N was laughing and crying at the same time as Lisa started talking about wedding plans.

"Let us celebrate that she said yes first," I laughed

"Ruin my fun," Lisa pouted

"You can have fun tomorrow, for now though, they should probably go home and be alone," Will hinted to her

Both of the women burned a bright red as Will and I laughed. I pulled Y/N to the door, wrapping my jacket around her, opening the door, letting the cold wind hit the warmth of our bodies. We all shuddered and I walked Y/N down the icy sidewalk.

"BYE," she yelled waving

I waved to them as I ran to the drives side of the car, jumping in and quickly turning it on so we could get some heat.

"I love you," she shivered

"I love you too,"

A week later

After we celebrated our engagement, it was unfortunately time to get back to work. We both yawned as we headed into work and went our separate ways with a kiss.

Throughout the afternoon and into the night, I kept an eye on her. She was glowing, my ring sitting on her slim finger for all to see. We were congratulated and I was slapped on the back by coworkers and a loud way to go with a laugh.

"My feet hurt," she sighed, walking into my office

I sat back in my chair and patted my lap, making her smile and walk over, plopping onto my lap. She laid her head on my shoulder and I played with her hair.

"Can we get married after I have the baby," she asked suddenly

"We can do whatever you want," I kissed her head

"December 15th," she said proud of herself

"Why that date," I chuckled

"It was my parents anniversary," she said softly

"I think that's a perfect date," I mumbled against her head

I held her tighter, enjoying the moment. She was so warm and smelled so good.

But of course, something had to ruin it.

"Hey Sheriff, got a call about a possible break in on Feir lane," an office said running past my door

She sighed and stood up quickly, jogging to the front desk as I got ready to go.

She watched as I walked through, putting my gun in my holster. She bit her lip and wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me quickly.

"Please be careful," she whispered nervously



Pulling up to the scene, I was greeted by several ambulances and fire trucks. I watched as one man puked into the road. What the hell had happened?

"What happened," I asked an EMT

"It's horrible," she breathed in a daze

I walked slowly to the door, taking in all the should be professionals, watching how they had reacted to whatever was in that house.

And I finally figured out why and almost puked also.

Blood was splattered all over the wall, chunks on skin littering the floor and brain matter smeared on the coffee table. A disfigured body lay in between the kitchen and living room, clearly a struggle had happened.

Getting closer, I noticed the victim also had bite marks on his face and chunks missing from his arm. I stepped over the body and into the kitchen, slipping in the pool of blood that greeted me.

The next body I came across had a steak knife through the back of her skull, and the same bite marks. Blood pooled around her face, making it hard to try and get an identification. She had several stab wounds to her back and some on her chest from what I could see but it was the blow to the head that made it final.

I searched the house, making sure that no one else was in there when I heard a closet door creak. I whipped out my gun and spun around. I came face to face with a girl, about 6 years old and crying, hugging a kitten to her chest. I quickly put my gun away.

"It's ok sweetie, it's ok," I soothed

She cried harder, and took a step back when I took a step forward.

"I'm a good guy, I promise," I held up my hands

She hesitated, before quickly running to me and jumping into my arms, her tears soaking my shoulder. I ran my hand up and down her back, trying my best to soothe her.

"I need you not to look at anything when I walk through ok? I'll tell you when you can look," she nodded and squeezed her eyes shut

I walked as quickly as I could through the house, by stepping the body on the floor and walked her out.

Am EMT softly pulled her from my arms, making the her scream and grabbed at my jacket. I took her back and walked to the ambulance with her, sitting down and letting them check her over.

After about 10 minutes, CPS showed up and coaxed her out of my arms. I continued to sit there, even after she was gone.

"SHERIFF, YOU GOTTA SEE THIS," someone yelled from the house

I took off into a sprint to the backyard. I see several officers standing there, stunned as they stared at the back wall of the house.

"What," I panted

No one said anything, so I rolled my eyes and looked towards the wall, my mouth dropping open and my heart leaping into my throat.

There was blood writing on the bleach white siding, dry and slightly cracking, making me believe it's been there for awhile.

But that's not what shocked me.

It's what it said that did.

I know what you did Nick.

Well fuck me.

Stay safe

The end of it all (Nick Goode/reader)Where stories live. Discover now