chapter 10

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I stood there stunned and slightly pissed that she had snopped around through my things but I couldn't show her that.

"A Halloween decoration," I shrugged my shoulders

"Uh huh and why would it be in the top of the closet if it was just a Halloween decoration," she asked stubbornly

"Because I forgot to put it with the rest when I took the others down. Why are you interrogating me? I thought I was the cop here," I joked

"Theres things in this book that freak me out, stuff about the devil. I don't want it in the house,"

"Fine, it won't be in the house, but it's not even real," I rolled my eyes

I would tell her eventually, about what I did and why I had to but until then, shes fine in the dark.

"Thank you," she threw at me and left the room

Of course she won't know till after we're married and she can't leave.

And no, divorce is not an option.


She surprisingly took the news that were having dinner with my family well. I watched as she dressed up and did her makeup slightly. I told her she didn't need it but she just ignored me.

I held her hand on the drive over, looking at her out of the corner of my eye occasionally. She seemed lost in thought as she stared out the passenger window and absentmindedly rubbed my wrist with her thumb.

"Here we are," I said making her jump

She didn't wait for me to get her door and stepped out herself, pulling her cardigan tighter around her as the cold, snowy air nipped her skin. She refused to wear a coat, saying how the heat was making her sick. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and guided her to the front door.

I knocked while she fidgeted with her fingers and bit her lip. She was nervous and it showed, worried that they wouldn't like her.

"Oh wow, its freezing out here. Come inside," Will ushered us in

I took off my jacket and hung it by the door as Will introduce himself to Y/N. I trailed behind as they started walking towards the kitchen and dining room.

"And this is my wife, Lisa. Lisa, this is Y/N," Lisa smiled brightly and hugged her

"Nice to meet you," she said shyly

"I'm so glad to have another woman in the family, too many boys," Lisa giggled

"Thank you," she smiled back

Lisa gently pulled her to the table, introducing her to the boys and leaving Will and I in the kitchen.

"Shes beautiful," Will jokingly nudged me with a wink

"Shes mine," I said arrogantly

He just laughed and pushed me towards the table, telling me to sit down and shut up. I laughed as I took a seat next to Y/N watching her talk enthusiastically.

"So when are you due," Will smiled

"October," she smiled back

"Thats wonderful news. Two new Goode's in a year," Will pushed

Y/N opened her mouth but I cut her off by kissing her cheek and giving her a look. She seemed to understand and just smiled at Will, who smirked at me.



Lisa and Y/N were doing dishes while Will and I had a drink in the family room.

"When are you getting married," he asked sipping his whiskey

"Gotta ask her first," I shrugged

"If she knows what's good for her, she'll say yes," I snapped my head to him

"What the fuck does that mean," I growled

"If anyone can give her a good life, where she won't have to worry or want for anything, it would be you who would give it to her is all I'm saying," Will said trying to calm me down

I nodded, eyeing him and relaxing into my seat, sipping my drink and watching the snow fall outside.

"Hey," Y/N said walking over to me

I pulled her onto my lap before she could seat on the loveseat. She cuddled into my chest and sighed, kissing my cheek before laying her head on my shoulder.

We all sat in silence, the only noises being the howling wind outside and the crackle from the fireplace.  I looked over her head at Will and he nodded, getting the memo that I wanted to be alone with her.

I nudged her up, making her whine as she stood and pulled her towards the window. She smiled softly at snow covered pine trees and pulled me to her.

"I love you," she whispered

"I love you too," I whispered back

"I need to ask you something and its important," I said nervously

She nodded, looking at me worried.

"Everything ok," she asked

"Yeah, just an important question is all," I gently pulled her over to the loveseat and sat her down with me

"You love me," I questioned

"Of course," she nodded

"And you're having my baby," she smiled and nodded

"Then, will you marry me,"

I pulled the rind from my pocket and set it delicately on her knee. Her eyes were wide and her mouth dropped open as she picked up the ring.

"Is this real," she mumbled

I nodded when she looked away from the ring to look at me. Her eyes went back to it and that's how I sat.

Waiting for her answer.

She better say yes.

She won't like the outcome if she says no.

Sorry this took me so long guys, seems like here lately when I sit down to write this, that something comes up🙄
Anyway hope you enjoy
Stay safe

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