Kicked Out and Brought In || Finale

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Sabine watched Ezra with her mother. He was finally sleeping, more peaceful than he had been in the last few days. Ever since he found out that their allies on Lothal were given away, he would wake up screaming, giving Sabine and her mother a heart attack.

There was a gentle tap at the door, and Ursa walked in, a grim look on her face. She was silent as she sat on the bed and gently pushed Ezra's hair away from his face. 

"They wish to speak with you," Ursa finally said quietly. "For what, I cannot say, though."

Sabine shook her head. "I would, but I can't, at least not without him. I really, really can't," she practically pleaded for her mother to understand. 

Luckily, the Mandalorian woman understood, eyes sympathetic. "I know, dear, but you have to think about what they were going through," she sighed. "They were watching one of their own get...interrogated. If that had been you and Ezra, what would you do?"

"I don't know, but just knowing what they did," Sabine whispered. Ursa gathered her daughter in her arms, lightly stroking Sabine's 

Ezra began shifting around in his sleep, and both females stopped speaking, watching as he slowly began waking up. 

Once he came to his bearings, he saw Ursa's look, and sucked in a breath. "How many?" he whispered, eyes filled with anguish. Ursa hesitated, and he pressed more firmly, "How many?"

"12 taken in, 2 dead," she finally murmured. Ezra closed his eyes, and Sabine approached, taking his hand.

"I want to see them," Ezra said, eyes still closed. "I want to ask them how they could do this." 

Sabine sighed, "I'll come with you, then. If that's fine with you, Mother?" Ursa looked at her, then nodded. 

"Be careful, both of you," Ursa whispered, lightly touching Ezra's hand. "I'll be speaking with the others to see what we can do to help Lothal."

The boy sent her a grateful look, and she returned it with a sad smile. Then, she nodded at the two of them and rose to walk out.

After a few moments, Sabine and Ezra left the room to find where the Ghost crew was. They were outside, apparently arguing with wild gestures. Kanan seemed furious, and Hera looked like she was crying.

"—HOW HE WOULD FEEL!" Kanan was just saying as they walked out. Then, they froze as they saw Sabine and Ezra.

"Ezra," Hera began saying, but Ezra shook his head, effectively stopping her from trying to apologize.

Sabine watched him carefully, shooting a quick glare at Hera. "Why?" Ezra finally asked. 

"I wasn't thinking," Hera whispered. "The only thing I saw was them hurting Kanan, and I...just broke." 

He took a deep breath, then turned to Sabine, who took his hand gently. "I trusted you guys," he said, his voice breaking. "You know what Lothal means to me. I trusted you, and then you broke that trust."

Zeb's ears flattened as he listened to the boy. He knew that they had passed the point of no return, and their relationship would never be the same as it had been before. 

Kanan seemed to recognize this, feeling cracks deepen in the shared bond as master and padawan. The first fractures began when Ezra was sent away, and they continued to break over time. Even if they did try to fix things, it would never be the same, no matter how hard they tried to repair the relationship.

Taking a deep breath, Ezra closed his eyes, then blew it out. "That doesn't matter anymore," he eventually whispered. "I need to go assist Lothal." 

"Let us help!" Hera exclaimed, distraught.

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