Wait, you can sing?

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Hey, so really quickly, in this chapter, it is set after Lothal is freed. Kanan is alive and can see, and he's also with Hera. Ezra isn't missing and Jacen Syndulla is four. Also, the song that Sabine and Ezra sing is Poison and Wine, because that's the first thing that popped into my mind :) If you haven't heard it before, I would suggest the version sung by Sierra Boggess and Ramin Karimloo, which I posted above. Hopefully it shows up so y'all can watch it. Alright, bye!


"So what if you lose your lightsaber?" Jacen asked Ezra. Kanan and Hera had decided to go out and left Ezra in charge of their child, which Ezra was quite happy about.

"Well, I would have to either find it or make a new one, but you should try to never lose it," Ezra responded after thinking for a few minutes. "Now then, Mr. Jacen Syndulla, I believe it is your bedtime now."

Jacen pouted. "But, Ezra..."

"No buts, mister," Ezra said playfully. "Your mother and father will have my hide if I let you stay up too late, and you know how your mom gets."

"I guess," Jacen sighed. "Only if you tell me a story about my dad and then sing to me." The young boy stood up and made his way to his room.

Ezra smiled and followed. "Very well, what would you like to hear about?"

Frowning for a few moments, Jacen thought about what he wanted to listen to. "Can you tell me about how you met the crew?"

Ezra laughed. "Don't you already know how?"

"Yes, but I want to hear it from you," Jacen insisted. "Pretty please?"

"Alright," Ezra sighed. "Into the bed with you, first." Jacen darted into the bed, pulling the covers up. Ezra took a seat on the bed as well, and began his story.

"Well, it was many years ago," Ezra began. "I think I was 14 years old, and I thought I knew everything that there was to know. I had to steal for survival, and it was on one of those days that I met the whole crew. I had somewhat helped a local merchant—"

Jacen interrupted, "Wait, 'somewhat?'"

Ezra smiled. "I was getting to that. The merchant was charged with treason because he disagreed with the empire. I managed to trick the stormtroopers, but then took a few of the merchant's fruits so that I could eat. I ended up on top of a roof and felt Kanan's presence, but hid. I watched them as they stole a bunch of crates, which I managed to steal from them."

"We went on a wild chase, but a bunch of TIE fighters found us. I had to go with the crew because otherwise, I would've died, and I found out that the crates held a lot of blasters. A lot of stuff happened after that, but I ultimately chose to go with the crew," Ezra finished.

"Wow," Jacen breathed. "Can you teach me how to steal stuff?"

"Only if you get your parents to agree," Ezra chuckled, ruffling the young boy's green hair. "Now then, what would you like me to sing?"

Glaring playfully, Jacen said, "You know which one!"

"Do I?" Ezra chuckled.

"Yes! You sing it to me every time!"

Raising an eyebrow, Ezra said, "Hmm...you might have to refresh my memory and tell me what the name of the song is."

Jacen giggled. "It's the song of the lucky lucky loth-cat!"

"Oh, that's right!" Ezra said, snapping his fingers. "Very well." Without any further ado, Ezra began to sing his favorite lullaby, smiling as he did so.

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