Chapter 41

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                              Sadness flies away
                            On the wings of time

                                                      - Jean de La Fontaine

I was woken up by the sounds coming from out side the cell. They sounded like gunshots and a few screams. I could here the door open and the beautiful voice that my sister once had a few days ago, now sounds very sad and angry. She scram once she saw the condition I am in, I'm sure I look really bad, my poor sneakers.

I tried my best to use the last bit of energy I've got in me, to lift my head and see me beautiful sisters face. Once I gained enough strength to do so, I was met with a sad face filled with tears. I've never seen Khalani cry I never thought the day I'd see her cry would be my last day on earth, but at least I got to see her cry before I died.

"Let go of my fucking sister Erik", I said forcefully trying to get my voice to obey my orders. Still feeling the burning sensation in my throat as each word exits my mouth.

"Your sister, well this is one family reunion", Erik says. Even though I couldn't clearly see, but from the corner of my eye, I noticed the Kane was standing at the door as well or was I hallucinating, I tend to do that a lot. I was glad that I thought of Kane, even though he didn't show up, I thank the heavens for the last thought I have, to of Kane's image.

"I'll kill you Erik", a familiar voice echoes around the room from the door, Amari was here as well, thank the heavens. Where was Naomi. 

"Why do you even care about what I'm doing Amari, this has nothing to do with you", I'm guessing Erik doesn't know that Amari is my brother.

"You are holding my sister and you tortured the other", Amari sounds furious.

My eyes started to feel heavy and I began to see the black dots again, my head started to hurt even more than before. I took a deep breath in and once I let it out, everything went dark again, I couldn't here a single thing nor feel anything. I couldn't feel any pain coming from my injuries, my body felt numb and empty, like I was dead. Was this the end of my journey? It can't be I said I was going to make Erik pay for my sneakers.

Eventually my thoughts shut down and there was nothing, just darkness and numbness.   

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