Disenchanted Discord-Chapter 2-Dubbed the Mischievous One

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Title: Disenchanted Discord

Chapter 2: Dubbed the mischievous one.. 

Inspirations: Grimm’s Fairytales/Bits of Disney/Imagination/PandorE for being there for me.

Picture/Music: Aren’t just myths.. 

Comments: Are an effort to my effects.. 

Entitlement.. {A Prince always needs his Princess.}

I was getting hopelessly lost in the greenery. Tired and bitterly wanting food and something delicious to eat. I sat down helplessly trying to make a bed out of dead leafs and bits of bark. It looked more like a cocoon and it felt wrong somehow. But I didn’t know how to really even live in the woods. How did the fairies, nymphs, and elves do it..? I thought to myself quietly sniffing, I was miserable missing something I had sadly forgotten. I was getting frustrated at myself. 

I opened the only thing lending to my refreshment of memory. Landing on anther story with glittery gold script writing. That went like this.. 

One day the sky, you know that sky that roams the world freely, and carelessly. Had a story to tell and this was that story. 

The clouds those rebellious puffy fluffy things decided to have a war against the sun. Whom wished to dearly marry the sorrowful moon. But the moon did not wished this to be. So the sky was  in a war with the stars as well. Those very stars only wished to be seen in the disappearing day. 

So on the day of the battle the sun bravely shifted towards the moon whom was happy to be seen in this new luminous light and find enjoyable company. The stars shone brighter and like never before and those clouds. Those rebels were true peacemakers drifting and traveling the whole wide world and they all happily lived forevermore. And that is when day become night the legend. 

The End.. 

I closed the book happy to have something mystical to think about even if I couldn’t seen the sky through the crooked branches above.  I pondered my escape. I shivered, cringing I held myself completely oblivious that I was not at my cozy home with a warm cup of hot chocolate but here in this dark and unknown forest. I cried to myself. After some time I gathered my things, well all the things that I was left with and started looking for some guidance.. When she spoke to me.. 

“Your need of guidance may be misguided. From others looming in your path,” She gravely whispered.  

I shake my head only to find her words to be daunting. I needed someone or something to help me.. I didn’t care whom or what manner it was or from. I just needed some company that wasn’t a vocal opinioned one. I stopped to catch my breathe and it felt like I had been running for hours. When she decided to pipe in.. 

“Its only been five minutes dearest.” She said solemnly if only I could punch her. Damn it she was a nuisance instead of a guide. 

“Hello, are you lost like I..?” Someone timidity replied towards me.  

It was a boy my age from the looks of it but there was something odd about him. He had  stitched leather strings across his bound limps, and his mouth looked as though it was twisted wrongly askew on his face. He had a wound on his back on the left shoulder but as he turned it was on his right shoulder in the front. How very interesting.. 

“He cannot be trusted.” She echoed in my thoughts coldly. 

“Why ever not..?” I replied curiously eager for her response. 

Disenchanted Discord-A Fairy Tale Unraveling-Read.Read.Recommed.Where stories live. Discover now