Disenchanted Discord-Ch.5-A Mischevous Trick, Up.-Chapter End._

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Title: Disenchanted Discord

Ch. 5-A Mischievous Trick.. Up.

Euria whistled merrily as we walked on. I pondered what Bellatrix said casting glances towards Euria and Loki wondering if they..

"If they are what..?" She intones curtly. She's been silent for awhile so I'm token aback by her sudden voice sullen as it may be.

"When did you check back in?" I cheekily reply.

"I've been watching your progression and I'm impressed." I smile happily for some reason.

"And also disappointed you've neither detached nor noticed the threat."

"Threat.?" I utter mumbling. I brood this over, her words. 

Euria picks up step to an unknown path ahead. While Loki almost finches at the word. I needless listen on to her little rant.

"Yes you need to be protective of that book or else you will unlock, break the chain." She purrs.

"What are you babbling on about !?“

But she's gone and my minds left blank with a headache at trying to figure all this out.

"Your going to lose everything, you insolent girl. How are you possibly so blindly stupid?" She hisses, harsh and bitter.

"Well if that's is all then could you please lower your volume." I angrily whisper waiting. She's quiet as I like her to be.

"Euria where in the world are we going?" Loki stammers clearly irritated.

"Somewhere only," He stops eventually in the front of a nest of long brown barked tree's. The wood worn and strong standing and not a shed of light in sight. Once again another mystical place. Yet the tree's themselves look so ordinary, from my world almost. With their greenery and forest like smell. Nothing special at all. Till I see the glow, luminous and radiant. In the cracks of the wood and throughout the roots.

"Hello, Euria.."

I poke at him humorous till he turns and puts a bejewel water capsule finger to his lips and shushes me with a gleam in his eye.

"Someone awoke on the wrong side of the river this morning," I jokingly say to Loki but he's quiet too.

Then I peer ahead as the ground groans and rumbles like a stomach. The tree's shake and become illumined like a million fire flies and candles its an electric effect if I say so. Especially in this darkness bleak.

"She's awoken the ancient goddess of the forest, the matter of life’s creation and being." Euria somberly says all knowing.

Euria clasps his hands and brings an offering I suppose, of water. Whist Loki once again fades in a side of the darkness shadows. I'm bewildered to it all really.


I'm speechless as one of the beautiful tree's transform into a luminous shape and walks forth perching her lips on Euria's head he walks away towards Loki. My pulse and heartbeat is racing. Her yellowish glowing orbs of eyes  darts over to me. I feverishly blush this is so surreal. She's oddly graceful for a tree that's been  earthbound for so long.

Disenchanted Discord-A Fairy Tale Unraveling-Read.Read.Recommed.Where stories live. Discover now