Chapter 24 - Hunting

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I held my breath as I watched the animal a few feet away. The small herd animal was covered in hard mottled brown hide that glistened beneath the rays of the twin suns as it graved on a weird bush plant with bright yellow berries. Its beady black eyes hadn't acknowledged my existence as I hid within the big leafy bunch of a fern-like plant. My hiding spot perfectly camouflaged me perfectly.

Two days had passed since Drogaxe had found me when my period started. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.

The big bastard had seen all of me naked plenty of times but the look on his face when he found me in the bathroom was one I rarely ever saw on him. Vulnerability was something Yautja were not accustomed to. Mira had said he would be freaked out when it came along but seeing it person made my heart clench.

Here he was, an Elite hunter at the ripe age of six-hundred and forty-seven finding his mate bleeding.

To me it was normal, a monthly annoyance, but I hated seeing him so upset. Such a hardened warrior deserved better.

When I had woke up that morning I snuck out of the house with a commandeered bow. Outside the twin suns grilled the surface, the air was humid and thick. So far the planet wasn't nearly as hot as I had thought it would be. It was similar to a hot summer in Georgia or Florida at best.

The snap of a twig pulled me from my thoughts. My head snapped in the direction of the sound, yet I saw nothing. There wasn't even a shimmer in the air to show me I had a watcher. Surely Drogaxe wouldn't have found me already and decide to fuck up my hunt. I was going to be pissed if he was here trying to ruin it.

I had an instinctual urge to kill things and I was getting that itch out.

My eyes shot to the creature, its beady eyes surveying the area for the source of the sound. It was a few moments before it returned to grazing docilely.

The moment was now or never. I had to kill it before I lost my opportunity. Many hours had been spent stalking the stupid thing and I wasn't letting it get away.

Drawing back the string of the giant bow with all the strength I could muster, I aimed the arrow that formed thanks to the amazing Yautja tech. I eyed the creature where I hoped it's vitals were. With a small exhale I released the arrow. It zoomed through the air hitting the target dead on.

I pumped a fist up in victory only to have my victory yanked out from under me as the creature started to scream. Neon green blood poured from the wound in its neck as it fell to the ground rolling around.

"Fuck! Just die already!" Once again I hefted my mate's bow and shot two more in quick succession into the head of the animal where it finally fell still.

Slinging the bow over my shoulder I ran to my kill with as much grace as I could muster. The giant Yautja sized bow was way too big to sit like it should on my body and it dragged me down. Drogaxe was a lot stronger than I had thought to need such a high draw weight. If he wasn't pissed at me for sneaking off into the jungle by myself then I would ask him for a bow.

I reached the small creature and whipped out the dagger D had made me for self defense. In minutes I had skinned the creature of its hide. Watching in awe I marveled at how the scales glittered in the sunlight.

It was beautiful but didn't compare to Drogaxe's. Not by a long shot. His scales were a lovely camouflage coloring, the dark green and earthen brown. These were colors I had come to love dearly. Someday I wished that when we do have children that at least one of them has his coloring. I'd keep trying for more until I had one if not.

Drogaxe sure had the stamina for it.

Dragging the surprisingly heavy creature home was a pain in the ass. I didn't know how much time had passed, but between carrying the heavy bow across my back and dragging the dead weight of my kill it was taking forever. Screaming in frustration would just alert potential predators I knew nothing about, or maybe even other Yautja.

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