Chapter 10 - Out of Darkness & Into the Light

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Never in my life had I run so hard and never had I been taken down by a three-hundred pound alien. I wondered if this was what the Football players of old experienced when they were tackled by beefy linebackers. It sure felt like it. Or maybe this was how it felt to get barreled down by a god damn tank!

I had run for quiet a good distance with Drogaxe thundering in my wake. My legs pushed me as fast as I could go but it just wasn't enough compared to a fucking seven foot alien that was all muscle.

It fucking hurt. The air was literally knocked out of my lungs when he fucking tackled me like an NFL pro. His speed had surprised me and I screamed upon impact. He was so god damn heavy!

One minute I was racing through the forest in pursuit of where the helicopter had gone and in the next I was being tackled.

He growled and did that weird clicking he often did as he landed on me. I gasped for air, my lungs burning with the sudden removal of air. My body hurt all over. I worried something had been broken in the process. His weight held me down even as I tried to wiggle to check for broken bones.

It was when something hot and heavy settled at the apex of my thighs that I froze.

Oh fuck no! No way! Not happening! I screamed internally, my lungs still working to draw in air.

I whimpered and tried to crawl away when he abruptly removed his weight from atop me. Everything hurt, even the simple motion of trying to crawl away. A squeak escaped my mouth as two massive hands wrapped around my waist and flipped me over. Said alien hovered over me pinning my hands to the ground above my head. He left my feet to kick weakly, my hits not fazing him in the slightest.

It felt like I was kicking a rubber tire instead of thick scaly green and black flesh. His abdomen, although shredded like the rest of him, was rubbery, too. Nothing I did to hurt him worked.

Fear for the first time in days surfaced and only made me fight harder.

I had thought we had come to some kind of agreement! Would he really do what I thought he would?

He once again had me in such a position that had my body heating up in anticipation.

I was getting really tired of my traitorous body, dammit!

"Release me, you giant asshole! It's getting away!" Frustration laced in my words as I briefly considered head butting him but had no idea what his mask was made of; getting myself further injured, if I already was, wasn't in the cards.

"I can not! That airship had nearly a dozen ooman soldiers with weapons. It is a trap, little hybrid!"

"So?!" I hissed, trying to knee him where it would hurt but he kept expertly moving out of the way. "I told those fuckers a long time ago that I would bathe in their blood and that's what I'm going to fucking do! I'll fucking kill every last mother fucker!"

Drogaxe made a weird chittering noise that rumbled in his chest as I continued to hiss and fight. He easily dominated my much smaller size. I needed to get him off of me so I could get my vengeance. More blood being spilled for all the wrong that had been done to me was so close...yet so far away with a fucking tank of a Yautja pinning me to the ground.

If I wasn't so pissed and sore I would've been turned on. Too bad I wanted to fight him instead. Plus, he's not even human so it would've been really weird and I didn't have "Fuck an alien" on my bucket list.

"Leoni, ki'cte my little yeyin sain'ja. Enough my little brave warrior." The jerk had to nerve to purr like a cat! I was getting tired but I still tried. What he said completely went over my head in my struggle.

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