Chapter 22 - Cleansing

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Drogaxe's home was unlike anything I'd ever seen. It was both beautiful and high-tech. The damn place was large and cool. Outside the planet was balmy and tropical, not as hot as I had imagined, but enough to make me sweat a little from the heat. As we walked along a wide path through the jungle with him in the lead I observed the alien world around me. I barely could see the tops of the massive trees that reminded me of the giant Sequoia Redwoods in California.

When we finally reached his home, I had to stop and stare as he activated a holographic panel on the side of a giant door that led inside the towering hill-like structure. He led me through the door where it immediately opened up onto a large atrium-like space.

The ceiling was all transparent, letting in the sunlight and highlighting a few potted plants that added greenery into the black interior of the structure. Surprisingly it was cooler inside, despite the two suns' hot rays. Angular metal formed various objects that I had no name for. Nothing was familiar. It was about as alien as you could get.

I followed him down a winding hall that led to a bedroom where he proceeded to show me a giant bathroom to the left of an equally giant Yautja-sized bed that sat in the middle of the back wall. The emerald green mattress was especially soft that I damn near decided to take a nap right then and there.

"I will return. I must put away my trophies. Use the cleansing room if you must."

I nodded, too full of excitement to talk.

When he was gone, I lied back on the bed to see a giant skylight that took up the majority of the ceiling. I wondered what kind of view would I see at night. Would I sleep under the stars in the arms of my lover? Would I one day be an old raisin sleeping under the stars in this very spot? The future was wide and unknown, but I loved it.

I briefly wondered if we could even have kids and if that was possible. As many times as we went at it in space, I thought about how much unprotected sex went on. That thought worried me because what would kids with Yautja even look like? Would they be soft little human looking babies or with Yautja features like claws and mandibles?

My head started to hurt from so much thinking. A good shower was needed after two days of being on a giant spaceship. Especially after I ended up getting wasted on alien alcohol.

Making my way into the bathroom as Drogaxe had shown me, I remembered the controls he showed to turn it on. The control panel was attached to the wall where a hologram projected the controls. Looking at the symbols I searched for the cluster he had shown me. None of these symbols made sense but at least I remembered things good enough to take a shower on my own. I at least wanted to be self-sufficient on this planet.

The water came out of the ceiling like rain in the corner of the room, an opaque glass on the side to probably prevent splashing and provide privacy. When I shed my clothes I stepped carefully into the shower under the water.

Feeling the hot water cascade down my hair and onto my skin felt magical. It had been a few days since I last bathed and it was relaxing. My muscles loosened, releasing the tension that had been building in my shoulders the past few days. A great weight was lifted from my body. Showers helped to make everything better.

It took a minute but I found the control for soap and worked to lather up my skin, being careful when scrubbing my scales.

As I was working on working up a lather through my thick hair a familiar presence made himself known in the room. I could feel him approach from behind. His body heat rivaled the heat of the water as he pressed me against his chest, claws gentle at my waist as he held me in place. A hand trailed down my stomach to caress my hip.

"Hey mister, I'm all clean." I gasped as his hand found my clit between my legs, a thick finger rubbing circles against it.

"I will make you dirty again, mate."

That finger kept going as he pressed his body against mine while he leaned over me. I felt his hot length against my skin telling me what he really wanted out of this. My body had grown hot with lust from the motions of his finger. The need to be stuffed was quickly overtaking all reason. It was as I moaned through my orgasm that I gave in. I felt like my legs were gunna give out but thankfully Drogaxe held my weight up with an arm wrapped around my waist.

In one quick motion he had me spun around with my back on the metal wall under the spray of water. I wrapped my legs around his thick waist as he thrust himself to the hilt inside me in one quick motion.

His grunt mixed with my moan, my head falling against the wall so I could meet his burning stormy indigo gaze. Those stormy irises glowed slightly as he easily held me up with one burly arm. The fact that he could hold my entire weight like it was nothing turned me on even more. He was so fucking strong. I loved that shit. Every human male I'd been with before I'd been taken hadn't been able to do that.

My hips tried to meet the gentle motion of his against mine as he retreated and pushed back in. The slow pace was driving me insane.

I wanted more.

He seemed to sense this because his hold around my waist tightened ever so slightly. I dragged my nails down his chest with a growl of frustration, yet he continued to fuck me slow. It felt so god damn good, though.

With every stroke of his thick cock my g-spot was hit. One of his hands braced against the wall above my head as rumbled growls resonated from within his chest, his claws scratching at the metal. My pants filled the air as I drew closer to an orgasm. It seemed I got my wish for more when suddenly his claws scraped down the wall and he picked up a violent but almost brutal pace.


Our skin slapped against each other as our bodies met in such a quick and rough fashion. I was screaming in pleasure. My cries were drowned out with a mighty growl from my mate.

I finally came apart. Like a raging inferno my orgasm burned through my body. My pussy clamped down on his cock as he continued to reach his own orgasm. He reached his release with another roar that would've scared me a week ago, the sound rattling the walls. A rush of his hot release filled me to the brim inside with some dripping out and onto the floor.

We stayed like that against the walls for a few moments as we both caught our breath. The water falling onto us from the shower was still hot and going strong. Long rivulets fell down Drogaxe's long dreads and onto my chest as he rested his head against the wall above me, his mandibles opening and closing with every puff of breath.

A wave of  sleepiness washed over me causing me to yawn.

Every time we had sex I needed to sleep afterwards, the very act draining my physically. His fat cock fucked the energy out of me every time.

Cautiously, he set me down on my legs but they were complete jelly and I immediately started to go down. Thankfully he had quick reflexes and held me up with an arm as he finished what I had started with my hair. He washed himself quickly and set me on a stool that he made pop up from the floor where it was dry. A few hologram button clicks later and the shower was turned off and a warm heat dried our bodies within seconds.

The heat made me even sleepier and I ended up in his arms once again as he carried me to the bed. I crawled buck-ass naked to the middle where he had piled my blankets.

Drogaxe joined me in bed, my body snuggling against his side. As I got myself comfortable he threw the blankets over me and big-spooned me. With his arms holding me snugly against him, it was easy for sleep to take me under. The last thing I saw before conking out were the stars in the now-night sky.

"Sleep well, my mate."

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