Ch 46 Nighttime in the Jungle

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   The group huddled together for the night, sleeping on the dirt. The Amazonian floor receives less than 2 percent of the sunlight, so very little grows, making it soft, like a decaying mulch pile.

   The night air was moist and a little too cool for comfort, but they didn't dare make a fire or even let Korrina light herself up for fear that they'd be discovered by a Galactic patrol--it was dangerous enough that most of them glowed naturally.

   Everyone was thirsty. Raúl took Clemont with him into the jungle, and when they came back Clemont was holding a tan, tennis-ball-size glob from which he pinched out pieces, rolled them into small balls, and handed them out to everyone.

  "What is this?" Serena said.

  "It's gum," Clemont said. "It will make you less thirsty."

  "Where did you find gum?"

  "It's called chicle. It comes from the sap of the sapodilla tree. That's how they make gum."

  "Chicle. Chiclets," Korrina said.

  "Exacto," Clemont said. "That's where it got its name."

   Serena put some of her in her mouth and chewed. "It's kind of sweet. But it tastes like gum you've already chewed for ten hours."

  "It's tree sap," Clemont said. "What did you expect, Bazooka bubble gum?"

   Serena shrugged. "That would be nice."

   The jungle came alive at night, as noisy and bustling as Times Square. Maybe noisier. As exhausted as he was, Brock volunteered to stand guard. It wasn't as difficult as he thought it would be, as observing the jungle at night was like watching a live presentation of the Discovery Channel. He watched two scorpions, locked in combat, battle to the death. He saw a jaguar climb a tree to catch a monkey, and an entire colony of vampire bats emerge from a rotted tree to seek blood. Everything in the jungle seemed engaged in a life-and-death struggle. Just like them.

   No one, outside of Raúl, got much sleep. Between their growing thirst, the symphony of insects, and the continuous assault of mosquitoes, everyone was miserable.

   In the middle of the night the sound of thunder rolled across the forest accompanied by the excited chatter of monkeys. Even though they could hear the sound of rain hitting the trees, the thick, lush canopy of leaves kept them dry. Brock found a stream of water rolling down a tree and let it gather in a leaf to drink.

   Gary woke up three times in the night screaming. On the third occasion, Mrs. Ketchum went to his side of him and comforted him, gently stroking his forehead. He broke down crying, and she held him, rocking him like a baby.

   The only thing that really concerned Brock was when he spotted a guard sneaking back to the pipe. Isn't he going to be surprised? Brock thought.

   A half hour later, the guard, having found the cap locked, reemerged from the pipe's mouth and ran back in the direction he had come from.

   Brock was still awake when Raúl, Calem, and Drew left at the first hint of dawn.

   Clemont awoke an hour later covered with mosquito and spider bites. "I can't spend another night here," he said, scratching his arm.

  "I know what you mean," Brock said.

  "Did Calem and Raúl already leave?"

  "And Drew."

  "I hope they make it."

  "Me too," Brock said. Then he added, "It's a jungle out there."

   The three didn't return until late afternoon. They were carrying large, overstuffed packs. Calem had two, one strapped to his front from him as well as his back from him, and Raúl was carrying a bag in his hand from him in addition to his pack. Drew was a physical and emotional wreck and his clothes were soaked through with sweat. He took off his pack and carefully set it on the ground, overjoyed to be free of it.

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