Ch. 14 Special Delivery

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For a long chapter, please insert one vote. It means a lot to me.

It was nearly midnight when we reached Wally's house. Even though Drew had said that Wally's dad was "loaded," I didn't realize just how well-off his family was until I saw his place. He lived in a massive, well-lit two-story Colonial-style house with tall gothic columns in front, wings on each side, and a cobblestone driveway that wound past a carefully manicured yard up to a fountain and front door.

  "This is Wally's house?" I said.

  "It looks like the White House," Clemont said.

  "Is the butler going to answer the door?" Korrina said.

  "We don't have a butler," Wally said. "He quit."

   Calem said, "We're going to be hanging out in the pool house."

  "You have a pool?" Clemont asked.

  "He's got a pool and a pool house," Drew replied.

   There was a four-car garage to the side of the house, and Wally opened the third door by remote and pulled in. When the door had shut behind us, Wally said to Calem, "Okay, what's going on? You said you'd tell me."

  "Let's go inside first," Calem said. "We don't know if we were followed."

   Wally looked afraid. "Who's following you?"

  "Bad people you don't want to meet," Calem said.

  "They won't come here, will they?"

  "Only if they find out we're here," Lillie said.

   Wally turned to Calem. "She's kidding, right?"

   Calem shook his head. "Nope."

   We got out of the car, and I opened the tailgate for Zeus and Shauna. As they got out, Zeus put his hand on Shauna's back. "Thanks, Sha."

   She smiled. "Anytime."

   Calem was standing on the other side of the car looking at them. I could tell he was bothered.

  "This way," Wally said. "The pool house is in back."

   The pool house was located behind the main home, next to a large barbecue area with an atrium and a rock fountain. The backyard looked like something out of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine. I didn't know Idaho even had places like that.

   The house had an electric keypad entry, and Wally pressed a few buttons, then pushed open the door. Inside, we all looked around in amazement.

  "Your pool house is bigger than my whole house," Serena said. "Way bigger."

   The pool house was two stories high with a loft and an outdoor balcony. Wally gave us a quick tour. On the main floor was a large, open dining room, kitchen, bathroom, master bedroom, and two guest rooms. Upstairs, in the loft, was a television room with a fifty-one-inch plasma TV, two beanbag chairs, a long, wraparound sofa, and a foosball table. On the far side of the room, past the sofa, were two bedrooms connected by a bathroom. The walls were covered with paintings of lighthouses.

  "It even smells good," Shauna said. "Like flowers."

  "I could live here," Serena said, still looking around.

  "It's almost as nice as the academy," Zeus said.

  "That would depend on which floor of the academy you're talking about," Brock said. Shauna and Korrina nodded in agreement.

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