Ch. 34 A Way In

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It didn't take long for Galactic to respond to the damaged fence. Less than ten minuets had passed when Brock said, "Here they come."

"The guards?"

"No. They look like ranchers or something. They're driving the fence looking for the problem."

"How many are there?" I asked.

"They've got two trucks. Three in each of them.''

"Any guards?"

"Doesn't look like it. At least not in uniform."

  "This is perfect," Clemont said. "They'll have to get close to the fence to free the bull."

  "And while they're freeing the bull, we'll take them down," I said. "Then we'll take their clothes and trucks."

  "We should tie them to one of those tangarana trees," Drew said.

   Shauna looked at him. "What a horrible thing to say."

  "What were you thinking, man?" Calem said, glancing at Shauna.

   Drew flushed with embarrassment. "I was just joking. C'mon, can't you guys take a joke?"

    The Galactic ranch trucks were larger than regular pickup trucks. And quieter. They looked like a cross between a pickup and a Sno-Cat, without the tank treads.

  "They're electric of course," Clemont said, before I asked.

   The first truck stopped just a few yards from the struggling bull. The men, all of them Peruvian and wearing boots, jeans, and white rancher shirts, got out of the truck and walked around the animal, trying to decide what to do with it.

   They talked for about five minuets, then one of them went back to his truck and retrieved a rifle. He pointed it at the bull's head and fired. When the animal had stopped moving, the men took rope from the truck and tied the bull's legs together. Then they let out the wire from the truck's winch, wrapped it around the bull's torso, and began pulling it from the fence.

   As the animal was being dragged to the truck, one of the men pointed to the branch that Calem had cut. All but two of them walked over to the examine it. One of the men crouched down, running his finger over the machete marks. He began speaking excitedly. They looked up to where the branch was cut from, then in our direction. One of them pointed directly to where we were hiding.

  "They're on to us," Calem whispered. "We gotta attack."

  "We've got to get them closer to the fence,'' I said. "That guy's still holding his gun. Clemont, any ideas?"

   Before he could answer, Korrina stood. "I've got one."

  "What are you doing?" I asked

  "Get down!" Clemont said. "They'll see you."

  "I'm counting on it," she said, stepping from the shade of the canopy. "I'm betting they won't be expecting a blond American girl to come walking out of the jungle."

   Korrina began sauntering toward the fence with a big smile.

  "Zeus," I said. "Be ready to hit the guy with the gun."

  "I'll try," he said. "But he's pretty far."

  "Hola, amigos!'' Korrina shouted.

   The men all stopped what they were doing and stared.

  "Excuse me," she said. "I'm lost. I'm looking for the beach."

   The men looked at one another in amazement. One of them translated, then they all started to laugh.

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