7.) (healing)

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Ross was sat down on his bed. Finally recovered enough to stand up and not be bedridden. But still not able to be discharged just yet.

he had walked around as much as he could, relieved to not be bed ridden anymore. dude when he first got up the fucking CRACK when he stretched was fucking insane. like he was pretty sure he broke a few bones there. it was great.

he still never really left his hospital room, but atleast he was finally able to punch that dumbass clock in the face, enough to make that fucker stop ticking.

nobody had walked in since the last time andrew had visited him. he greatly appreciated that visit. andrew had always been nice to him, a comforting presence even. he missed the others though, as crackhead as they were, they were still his friends.

conveniently, at that exact moment, he heard another knock at the door. whoop de doo. zoo wee mama. and yet again, it was andrew. ross was expecting it to be just andrew, but as soon as andrew opened the door all the way, rob ran in at mach fucking 10 and hugged ross with all his strength (like jesus dude calm down)

"ROSSross! youre actually alive!" rob looked as relieved as ever

"yeah, I'm doing better now actually, better than last time andrew saw me" ross glanced to the green man, who just waved in response.

"god, i really hope they let you out of this fucking room soon" robert scowled, looking around at the white hospital room "its unbearable without you back at home. we had to cancel so many shows and i uh,...yeah" ross looked down, feeling slightly guilty that he'd caused all this trouble.

rob looked up "am i legally allowed to stay the night here? because i would. i really miss you" rob did the pleading face emoji at ross

"i mean, i dunno if youre legally allowed to stay the night,... but I've been so lonely here at night, i could use some company" ross shrugged. the memories of all the times they hung out started to come back to him "..and, i miss you too"


rob looked around the basement room. him, ross and andrew all sat on the floor among the boxes.

"hey guys" rob spoke "would you still be my friends if i was a flesh eating monster"

andrew giggled "what???" he tilted his head.

"yknow? like if i was a flesh eating monster would you still hang out with me?" rob restated the question

ross chimed in "i mean, depends. if you didnt eat anyone then, yeah, we'd probably still be your friend."

"if you did eat someone though, then i guess not" andrew shrugged "or well, i guess that also depends on WHO you eat, right?"

"yeah, if you ate someone we didn't care about, we'd probably be cool" ross continued "but if you ate our friend..."

"YEAH! like say i ate zubin" rob yelled enthusiastically and waved his hands around like a fuckin mad man "what would you do"

"well if you ate zubin of course not! he's our bassist!" ross sounded like the answer was obvious, and it kinda was tbh.

"AND our friend" andrew added "why are you even asking us this in the first place rob?"

"YEAH ROB why are you asking us this are you a flesh eating alien??" ross laughed a bit

"maybe, you never know" rob shrugged and laughed back


rob sat at the foot of ross' bed, he had basically set himself up there. ross didn't really care, he was just happy to be with his pal

although, one thing bothered him. he couldn't really remember some of the things he was trying to remember. even on stuff that had happened only a month or two ago, rob had to remind him about certain details. it was strange, especially since he was usually good with memory

"youre telling me you dont remember that one time joe chugged a bottle of liquid nitrogen and almost died??" rob titled his head, laughing "come on dude! that was iconic he couldnt move for days how do you not remember that!?!?!"

ross shrugged "i dunno! its probably just because i got hit in the head alright? its probably not anything bad"

rob rolled his eyes "meh. youre probably right. but out of all the memories why did you choose to forget that one?"

"i can't choose-"

"i know smartass, its just a joke" rob took a sip from his water. they carved a hole in one of the many analog clocks in the room with robs suspiciously blood stained pocket knife and filled it with water.

ross frowned and looked to the clocks. it only said 10 pm, but ross was already tired. if there was one good thing the horrible neverending loneliness had done to him, its that he'd definitely slept more.

"hey rob," ros cleared his throat "im kinda tired. i might try and fall asleep"

rob sighed "i dont mind, i need sleep anyways, i haven't gone to sleep since, i dunno..." he flopped down on his spot "g'night"

ross flicked off the light "nnight."

it was a nice night


870 FUCKING words im going insane

happy w this chapter tho

- nes

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