The Boy at Hogwarts

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When the boats pulled up to the castle, Sirius was pleasantly surprised to see Remus waiting for the first years. Whether it was because McGonagall was now Headmistress or solely for Harry's benefit, Sirius didn't care. Remus smiled at Harry and Ginny, and scratched Padfoot behind the ears.

Padfoot tried to keep Harry put as Remus gave the speech about the sorting, how Hogwarts Houses were like families, and how the point system worked. Harry reached for Remus at the word 'family' but otherwise gave little indication he was listening.

By the time they arrived at the Great Hall, Harry had attempted to wander off numerous times. He stayed at the edge of the crowd, eyes lingering on the goblets lining the tables and brushed his fingers through Padfoot's fur so vigorously that Sirius wondered if clumps of fur would come out.

Harry delighted in the Sorting Hat's song, signing more when it was over.

Once the music stopped and Remus began calling names, Harry pulled his robe over his head, retreating into the dark fabric. Several first years edged away from him. Ginny looked awkward but stayed by Harry, and Luna seemed completely unconcerned with the others' opinion. Colin, who still seemed to hero-worship Harry, actually pulled his own robe over his head.

Sirius heard Harry eating one of the sweets from the trolley under his robe, and one students whispered she was surprised the dog wasn't eating the crumbs that fell onto the stone floor.

Sirius half-wished Harry was allowed to just roam the halls until his name was called. He still had little patience for staying still, not that Sirius could blame him. Sirius never wanted to be cooped up again, either.

The fact Harry had avoided a meltdown through the whole trip was kind of remarkable. Even now, he wasn't at the point of hitting himself.

Colin was sorted into Gryffindor and Luna went to Ravenclaw, Sirius honestly had no clue where the hat would place Harry. What if the hat rejected him?

Finally, Remus called "Potter, Harry!". The students all craned their necks, whispering, as Remus and Padfoot led Harry to the stool, still with his robe over his messy black hair.

"Harry Potter?"

"Was he held back? Shouldn't he be a second year?"

"Of course he was held back, didn't you read what happened?"

"What's he doing?"

"Is that the Grim with him?"

Harry didn't sit on the stool, tried to grab that hat when Remus went to put it on his head. Bird, Harry signed, making a finger-beak in front of his mouth, which sent another wave of whispers through the Great Hall.

The hat hummed on Harry's head, more musically than it had for other students. Padfoot wagged his tail. Of course the hat would know that would calm Harry down. Harry paced along the head table, his eyes nearly hidden under the hat.

Sirius would have paid several Galleons to hear whatever conversation was going on between Harry and the hat. Harry signed bird a few more times as well as dog. He made wolf claws with his hands, and Padfoot glanced at Remus. It would make sense to place Harry in Gryffindor, where Remus was now Head of House.

The hat took a minute to decide Harry's placement, at last shouting "GRYFFINDOR!"

The Gryffindor table erupted into cheers. Harry bolted, still with the hat, and tried to place it on Nearly Headless Nick, frowning when it fell through his body. Both Nick and the Sorting Hat were somewhat miffed, and Remus came to retrieve the hat from Harry.

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