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Taras pov:

I spent the rest of the night thinking of things to say to Vinnie but nothing came out, we just led next to each other in silence until the sun came up.

i left Vinnie's side and walked over to his wardrobe to get out one of his hoodies, i pulled a hoodie from the pile of clothes and jumped from the loud sound of something heavy hitting the wooden floor. i looked down to see a small black gun just laying there, i hoped the noise woke Vinnie up but it didn't. i debated on picking it up in case i accidently shot myself but i couldn't just leave it there on the floor.

i bent down and hovered my hand over it before picking it up and holding it far away from me. in some strange way it made me feel invincible tough it was absolutely terrifying.

"you know if you want to use a gun you have to hold it properly" Vinnie laughed

"it fell on the floor, why the hell is there a gun in the wardrobe" i sigh pushing it closer to him so he would take it

"i must have left it in the pocket of my joggers, sorry princess" he laughed taking the gun from my hands.

he crawled back under the blanket patting the space next to him hinting I lay with him, so i do.

"Vinnie" i question waiting for his response.

"whatsup" he says taking a sip of water

"i want you to teach me to use a gun"

he choked on his water getting it everywhere "are you kidding" he laughed

"no, i want to know how to use one they seem to be used a lot around here" i joke but in all seriousness they do.

"id have to teach you how to fight aswell its a good quality of mine" he nods

i mean he isn't wrong ive seen him fight and its very attractive.

"can we start today" i sit up with excitement

he slowly gets up out of bed and nods his head. i followed him out of the room and he walked me to a room i had never been in.

there were boxing bags and gym equipment all around the room. "why have i never seen this" i question looking around the room.

"because you never needed too"

i walked over to all the guns and knives hooked up onto the wall. im not going to lie this was very scary and i could feel my heart pounding through my chest but i need to know this stuff if im going to be involved with a mafia.

"okay Vincent what first" i said looking over at him

"come here" he replied leaning on the chair

i sat on the chair as he wrapped my hands in some type of wrap.

"put these on" he said passing me some black boxing gloves, and leading me over to one of the big bags hanging from the ceiling.

"okay stand more to the side" he laughs walking behind me and putting his cold hands around my waist twisting me so im in a more balanced position.

my mind honestly went blank from his skin touching mine, i mean who wouldn't this man is breath taking

"ok so punch it with your strongest hand first"


"i feel strong already" i giggle wiping my sweat onto him

we spent almost 4 hours in there and i think he gave up on me a few times but we got there eventually

"Carry me" i groan from the aching pain

He walked over to me with no hesitation and picked me up all bridal style.

Im going to try and update more often if you have any opinions please send me a message😬

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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