Chapter 76

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The Myriad Yao Banquet was, of course, extremely rowdy.

On the first day of the twelfth month, it just happened to be snowing. At first, it merely seemed like specks of salt scattering on the streets of the old Huaizhou city, but the snow got heavier as the night progressed till the snowflakes were large as goose feathers, weighty when they landed on one's shoulders.

Ever since ancient times, agriculture was significant to the people of the central plains. Digging food out of the dirt was a habit passed down from their ancestors. That was why, as soon as winter came, something in their blood made them loosen up unconsciously. Even their spirits would slacken as if all they needed was a fire to warm a pot of wine over to tide them over to spring.

After midnight, the painted skin was peeled off. Once all the various creatures had drunk their fill of wine, they revealed their true forms one by one and continued making merry on the lantern-lit streets. One particularly inebriated young yao jumped into the city moat and turned into a giant gold carp. The lights shimmered off his brilliant scales, making the place bright as day and startling nearly half the city.

The peasants all threw on their clothes and swarmed into the streets to catch a glimpse of the phenomenal sight. Many of the yao, excited by the audience, got even wilder and started showing off all sorts of magic tricks.

The night sky was soon filled with colored lights and dazzling fireworks. Flower yao planted themselves by the side of the road, furiously growing roots and vines, climbing their way up walls and windows, and sprouting brilliant blossoms. The flowers, especially when contrasted with the white snow, attracted many wondrous gasps and amazed gazes.

Another yao, in the shape of a bird, flew up onto the city walls and sang a song that quietened the whole city. Her melody was extremely moving, her voice that of a peerless songstress. When she perched there on her sharp talons, with her wings behind her and the city full of lights and flowers in front of her, it gave everyone the illusion that they were listening to the music of the heavens.

Zhao Rong raised his wine cup in a toast and drank it all in one gulp. Amidst the falling snow, his gaze seemed especially hazy. He sighed as if he was mumbling to himself, "After thousands of years of separation, humans and yao will forever see themselves as separate races. If this night were to occur again, I wonder if instead of partying in the streets like they're celebrating new years, they'd be fleeing in terror, scrambling for weapons."

Not far, Shi Wuduan turned to look at him. His eyes weren't clear either. Who knew how much he'd drunk already.

The two sunk into a long silence as if they were still mesmerized by the song of the little bird yao.

A moment later, Zhao Rong slapped the table, "Get me a bigger bowl. Lord Sixth and I are going to get shitfaced tonight!"

Shi Wuduan carelessly tossed his little wine cup to the side and said, "I'll certainly keep you company."

It wasn't until the sky was already showing signs of white that Shi Wuduan was allowed to return. He didn't even lift his head as he walked, pretending to be calm and composed. Only if one saw his face would they be able to tell that he was already so drunk he didn't know his own name.

He made his way around all the mess on the ground back to his own little courtyard and spent a tremendous amount of effort getting the door open. The furnace inside was burning, and a wave of heat washed over him. Shi Wuduan stood in the doorway for a moment, gave it some serious thought, then decided to sit down on the spot, leaning against the doorframe as he stared at the collected snow in the courtyard and blanked out,

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