Chapter 33

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Every morning, Guji City was veiled by mist that would disperse at dawn and gently coat the grass with dew. When it was sunny, it'd evaporate by noon, and the thin moat running along the walls would remain still and undisturbed.

A man carrying his ratty old luggage on his back walked into the city upon the lingering vapor in the air.

Though his clothes were old and worn and patched at the elbows, they didn't make him look like a vagabond, on the contrary, they made him seem free-spirited. His eyes were perpetually smiling as he idly wandered about, enjoying the scenery, stopping here and there, peering at everything with curiosity and interest. It would've made him seem young if not for his hideous goatee.

Two palm-sized copper bells hung at his waist, yet despite their clunky appearance, they didn't ring like cowbells, instead, they tinkled with each step as delicately as the wind chimes hanging by a maiden's window. All the shopkeepers and travelers who were up early and heard the sound couldn't help but glance at him.

That wasn't the only attention-grabbing thing about him. He also had a large bird perched proudly on his shoulder. Its feathers shimmered radiantly as rainbow satin in the first rays of sunrise; it was even more gorgeous than a peacock.

But before anyone could get a clear glimpse of the bird, it suddenly spread its wings and took flight. It shot into the air and seemed to melt into the piercing beams of sunlight as it circled once, twice, then left.

The man was unruffled by the sudden lightening of his shoulder. He carelessly plopped down at a wonton stand, squinting in the direction the bird had taken off in. He then boldly yelled, "Boss, give me a large bowl of wontons, plus four sesame cakes!"

He paused for a second, then amended, "Meat filling!"

The stallkeep made a sound of acknowledgment and had food brought up shortly. The man's eyes lit up like he was a starved ghost reincarnated. His goatee didn't get in the way of him stuffing his face at all. Faster than the speed of thunder, he finished off a flaky sesame cake as big as his face in less than three bites. Heavens knew how he'd stuffed it in.

The stallkeep hadn't even had the time to turn around before witnessing that scene. He couldn't help sizing up the man, wondering in distress, this man isn't penniless, is he?

The man was indeed penniless, though someone paid his tab.

When not a morsel of the four sesame cakes was left, and while he was guzzling the wonton soup like it was water, he saw a group of people walking towards him. He recognized them as members of Guji City's newest "Redscarf Army" and instantly backed away to make space for them.

Guji City's rulers tended to change at the drop of a hat. Even though the new ruler, surnamed Gu, counted as the most benevolent so far, the commoners had already gotten into the habit of being nervous and twitchy.

The leader of the group was a casually dressed young man. The bird that'd just flown off was now on his shoulder. If one looked closely, they'd notice that his pace really wasn't slow, yet somehow he still gave off the air of being sluggish and leisurely.

The man smacked his lips and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. He made a show of getting up and bowing in salute, "You must be Mister Shi, I presume?"

Shi Wuduan looked at him as if he had to take a moment to come back to his senses. A long pause later, he nodded and returned the salute, "Sect Leader Xia, your reputation precedes you, pardon me."

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