Part 2

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Eleanor in the dark. Just as every day for the past few days, but today was different. They were weaker than usual, longed for death more than usual. Their vision was blurred. They leaned up against the wall. They closed their eyes one last time.

Their eyes were open again, but they felt less weak and heavy. They found the power to stand up, however their look back down to the spot they had sat in for days was one to regret.

There. Sat where they had. Was their motionless, lifeless, dead, body.

Their eyes filled with tears as they crashed to the floor again. Their screams echoed around the house.

"Its ok, my dear. Its all ok. Your free."

They looked around the room desperately, still sobbing. A smart man in a waistcoat stood there, his brown waistcoat was dull in the darkness but there was still view of the blood stained hole in his abdomen.

"Who the hell are you and how long have you been in here-"

"Shh, im Thomas. And how long ive been here? Techincally a few hundred years but in your case, ive been in the room since the day you came."

"why didnt you let me out then, moron." Their eyes filled with tears and anger and confusion.

"I cannot, you see. We're dead."

Eleanors face became more dead than before (no pun intened). They lent back on their wall, head in hands.

"I had so much i could have done, my music, my family, starting my own family."
It all came splurting out as they shook uncontrollably.

A cold, fragile hand was placed upon their shoulder. The other on their cheek.

"Please, do not worry. You can leave your room now, see the house."

He lead Eleanor up and took her through the wall. They grimaced at the light, their eyes getting used to it once more. Down the staircase, still being held in Thomas's arms, and into the main room. There stood a huddle of shocked figures. An ape like man,  a woman in a white gown, a woman covered in ash and soot, a man in an army uniform, a woman in a burgandy dress and a head. Just a head, no body.

"My golly, Thomas." said the man in the uniform, taking no notice of the new person who could clearly see them all.
"Where the bally-hell have you been, man."

"Eleanor." He said, nodding down at the person in his arms.
" They have, today, become a ghost." His voice was sorrowful.

Introductions were made that day, Eleanor was scared at first, but after a few hours they felt more at home than ever before.

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