Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

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This is um pretty sad

By Anon1992

It's not a silly little moment,

It's not the storm before the calm.

This is the deep and dying breath of

This love that we've been working on.

I can't remember a time before us. Never have we been just Ross and just Laura. Ever since that first day we were asked to read together it's been Ross and Laura. Collectively. Even way back when I was lanky and my voice was three octaves higher. And she was awkward, with her face rounded out by the baby fat that she'd yet to fully lose. I remember thinking even then that she was so beautiful.

Always so fucking beautiful.

The day our relationship had taken a sharp turn past friendship and into so much more was easily one of the best days of my life. It wasn't planned. It wasn't talked about. It was just a kiss.

Yet so much more than just a kiss.

And over the past two years we've been building a foundation on that kiss. A foundation that was supposed to be able to weather any storm, no matter how tumultuous it may be.

So as she stood there telling me that she was leaving for New York in a month, I wondered what the hell kind of tempest that was because I wasn't sure of how we were supposed to get through it.

I wasn't even sure that we could.

And I told her that.

And she unleashed the kind of storm that I thought maybe I could handle.

She began yelling at me. About how important this was to her. I thought I was important to her, I said. She was silent for a moment.

Then she started reminding me of my schedule and the constraints it put on our relationship. I was always touring, or filming on location. It'd been hard on her. Hard on us. She was yelling again.

Still taking my breath away with her beauty.

Can't seem to hold you like I want to

So I can feel you in my arms.

Nobody's gonna come and save you,

We pulled too many false alarms.

I didn't want to fight anymore. Her voice wasn't fit for yelling. It was fit for singing beautiful music and calling the children we would one day have in for dinner.

I just wanted to make sure that she stayed by my side forever.

When I pulled her to my chest, the weight of her in my arms, it was different. It wasn't the relaxing embrace that I'd grown so accustomed to, with her ear pressed against the heart that she'd always caused to speed up, while I traced light circles on the perfectly smooth skin of her back.

It was desperate.

She was clutching the leather of my jacket with a grip that I'd never felt from her before. The damp remnants of her tears were felt clearly on my shirt but I didn't...couldn't...acknowledge them because then it would make it real and all I wanted was to go back to yesterday.

Yesterday before New York was ripping my heart from my chest.

I remember Rydel came out onto the back porch, seemingly sensing the heartbreak of both her brother and best friend. I just shook my head slowly and she got the message, going back inside.

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