Good Boys Are Bad Boys That Haven't Been Caught |2|

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A long minute passed, and she could tell that he was contemplating whether to tell her something or not.


She almost choked on her lemonade, the lemonade that his mother probably had made from scratch, as he just continued to look at her with an amused smile.

And all of a sudden, the all-consuming quietness of the room was sparkling with tension, so much tension, and she didn't know where to look, because regardless of what she focused her eyes on, he seemed to be all she could see.

"I'm sorry?" She sounded like she was actually choking.

She clearly had heard him wrong and god damn it, he was messing with her head because now all she could think of was him fucking her, over there on that nicely made, perfectly-sized bed, the bed belonging to the crown prince of a mattress empire.

He smiled, he god damn smiled, his face that she hadn't even recognized until a few week prior suddenly the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her entire life.

He leaned in towards her again, almost as if he knew that it kind if drove her a bit crazy to have him so close. Too close.

"I like to fuck for fun." His voice was low but clear, and he said it as if he's talking about bird watching or rock collecting or fucking fossil hunting.

She cleared her suddenly dry throat, partially because she was short on air and partially because she didn't know what else to do.

She knew her face was redder than the too expensive, strawberry-shaded shoes she was currently wearing.

"Oh". It was more a spoken thought than a comment.

"I don't really expect you to understand."

"Excuse me?"

"You're a bit more...clean cut than my usual...numbers."

She instantly felt a few tears prickling her eyes and she wasn't sure why.

He apparently noticed. "Hey,'s not a bad thing, it's just...I'm pretty sure you're made out of a different type of material, you know?"

"You don't know everything about me, you have no idea what type of material I'm made out of. Heck, up until a few weeks ago, you didn't even know my name."

"I did know your name, and I do know your material. You're the type of girl who deserves to be wooed and pampered and loved. You're girlfriend material. Fuck, you're smart and funny and so incredible fucking hot. But I already told you, I don't do that."

She had never had anyone talk her out of sleeping with them before, and yet every word he spoke had the complete opposite effect on her, because now she really, really wanted to sleep with him.


A few tears escaped, speeding down her cheek, and he reached to wipe one of them away, tracing its path with his finger, then moving it towards his mouth and licking up the salty drop before he leaned in to kiss her.

It kind if took her by surprise although it didn't, because in all honesty, it had been weeks in the making.

His lips tasted like lemonade and minty toothpaste, and she smiled at the thought of him brushing his teeth just because she was coming over.

Lemonade, minty tooth paste and raw sexual desire invaded all her senses.

He broke away. Too soon.

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