Good Boys Are Bad Boys That Haven't Been Caught

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Ok, forgive me. This is just dirty on dirty, I know. But I thought of adding just a bit of excitement... and well here you go. (Cuz I know the last chapter was a lot to take)


By Llmav

In hindsight, there were a few incidents, a few small moments of time that were likely destined for oblivion, snippets of her existence that, separately, meant nothing but put together, meant everything.

Because they led her to him.

It was almost like the universe had purposefully been aligning their previously distant paths, whilst giving her small signals, nudging her towards him, as if he had had a big, bright neon arrow sign above his head that suddenly had been turned on, pointing her in his direction.

"Come here."

It was a cascading effect, really, a round of dominos in the game of life, one coincident leading to the next, a series of unfortunate or perhaps fortunate events that ended up changing her life.

At first, she hadn't been paying attention. She soon realized that she had never really been paying attention. She, just like most of the other students at the overcrowded high-school, was too preoccupied with the everyday life of teenage drama, to infatuated with herself to truly be concerned about anyone else, despite the commonly shared I-love-yous and the too frequent, feigned declarations of sure to fail, life-long friendships.

She was not necessarily a 'good' girl, but she wasn't bad; she was an in-betweener.

She was popular, although sometimes almost unwillingly so.

She was hot enough to hook-up with the football players, yet not determined (nor coordinated) enough to be a cheerleader.

She was smart, at least smart enough, yet too lazy to apply herself because ah, school was boring.

Life was kind of boring.

Boring, like the medium setting of a toaster, moving along, but not speedingly so.

The result was warm, edible, but far from exciting.

It had no flavor.


Just right yet just so wrong.

And the freaking setting never changed.

The first coincidental incident occurred after an exceptionally gruesome week of boredom, complete with too much homework that she had neither the motivation nor the intention of completing, accompanied with a bout of guilt for being too lazy to perform the relatively simple should-haves of her all too routine life.

It was Friday afternoon, and she was in a rush, ready to get home to start preparing for the late night party that she and Cassidy were going to, most likely headed for a night of semi-heavy drinking, and undoubtedly ending with her sneaking into her house way passed the curfew.

As if her father would notice, anyways.

In other words, just another, typical, Friday night.

Her on-off-whatever 'relationship' was off again, probably for good and it was for good, and she was looking forward to a night of fun, even though the boys that were sure to be at the house-party were all but exciting.

She sighed.

School was finally over, the 48 hour long weekend (or maybe a bit longer, whatever, it was not like she was the president of the Mathletes) of freedom lurking around the corner, more alluring than the current pre-sale at the luxury shoe store at the nearby mall.

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