[Stris] Partner

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"Does this make me boyfriend material?" He asked with a smile.

"Maybe," she replied before kissing his cheek and slowly standing up. "But I prefer the word partner."


"Luca, I swear to God, if that's you again, I'm going to shove my boot right up your-"

"It's not Luca," Street said as he opened the door with his hands up.

Chris turned around from her locker to confirm her suspicions about who exactly had just entered the room. She was right.

"I told them not to call you," Chris growled as she turned her attention back towards gathering her things.

"Hey," Street warned as he gently grabbed her wrist. "That's what I'm here for."

Chris took her attention away from her things for one moment to pull her wrist back.

"I'm fine," she said before grabbing her boots to lace them up.

But that would be a more difficult task than the brunette had expected. Her ribs ached as she bent over to tie the laces and her vision blurred at the sudden movement- causing her to sway.

"Woah," Jim said as he wrapped his arm around her side to steady her, and she winced. "You don't seem fine to me."

He slowly eased the small woman down onto the bench where she had previously attempted to tie her shoes before taking them for himself and slipping them on each of her feet.

Chris just rested her forehead in her hands- a headache and nausea steadily overcoming her.

She wouldn't get the chance to say anything else before a trip to the bathroom, where Jim held her hair back as she threw up from the concussion that had set in.

"You know I'm the one who's supposed to be taking care of you and your half liver," Chris finally said as she rested her forehead against the cool tile.

"I think I can manage us both for a while," Jim said as he pulled her hair up with a hair tie and rested his hands on her back.

The two of them sat on the locker room floor for a while in silence to make sure Chris' spout of nausea had passed.

"You wanna go home?" Jim asked quietly after a while.

"Yeah," Chris whispered back with all of the strength she had.

"Let me go get Luca, and I'll take you home," he replied before standing up and exiting the room.


Twenty minutes later, Luca successfully carried Chris to her car with Nora and Street in tow with everyone's belongings.

Chris had few complaints.

"Thanks for the help, Luca," Street said as he closed Chris into the passenger side. "I can't quite pick her up yet."

"No problem, kid," Luca said as he patted Jim's back and walked towards his car. "I'll see you at home."

Nora had begun to walk away with him with nothing but a small smile and a wave.

"Hey, Fowler," Street called out to get her attention.

Nora turned around and looked at the man.

"Thanks for the call," he said sincerely.

"No problem," Nora said as she turned back around before stopping again.

"And Jim," she called back. "She's going to be fine. Chris is tougher than a concussion and a few broken ribs."

He laughed and waved back at the blonde before settling himself into the driver's seat.


Chris had been so sick that she hadn't even put up a fight when Street insisted she stay with him and Luca for the night.

The two had opted for his house as it was closer and had the bonus companion of Charlie- Luca's rescue dog- to keep them company as Chris was on concussion watch for the next 5 hours.

The loveable German Shepard nuzzled into Chris' lap in the bathroom where she had sat since nausea once again overcame her as soon as she walked through the front door. Street followed not far behind to hold her falling hair back again. 

With the nausea subsiding and the dizziness overtaking, Chris leaned herself back into Jim's embrace and gently stroked the dog's head.

"We've been on two dates, and you're over here holding my hair back while I throw up," Chris laughed softly at her current predicament.

Jim laughed, too.

"Does this make me boyfriend material?" He asked with a smile.

"Maybe," she replied before kissing his cheek and slowly standing up. "But I prefer the word partner."


"I cannot believe you just labeled our relationship on my bathroom floor after throwing up," Jim said later in the night after the two had settled together on the couch.

"And I cannot believe I labeled a relationship after two dates, but we continue to surprise me, Jim Street," Chris replied with a chuckle as she tucked herself further into his embrace.

"We're an odd couple. You know that, Chris?" He said before kissing her temple.

"You got that right, partner."



[written 9.17.2021 - edited 4.3.2022]

Have a double post, why don't you! This story is set post season 4 but not cannon with season 5 if that makes sense. Chris is back from TLI but Street isn't back at work which we know isn't true to season 5. Maybe this makes up for me taking down my original injured Chris story? I like this one much better and it doesn't weigh on my heart like the other one did. I'm also in a domestic Stris mood if you can't tell. I need screen time with them! In the meantime, I just write sweet things to keep my heart content. Y'all can reap the benefits. Good night! <3 -Sharna

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