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"Really?" Allen asked suspiciously. He had never seen the appearance of sisal just now.

"It's really okay. Don't worry. When things get done on my side, I'll cook." Sisal said.

Allen lay back suspiciously.

Sisal calmed himself down, but in fact he was almost calm. Looking at the two stones, he told himself: [It's nothing, it's just a pregnancy stone, as long as you don't wear it for a full month, you won't get pregnant. 】At the same time, he has doubts whether these are really pregnancy stones, although he doesn't know when they got into his ring, judging from the situation that he has been carrying them for so long, it may not be pregnancy stones. Do you want to experiment? "Who should I try?" Sisal thought too deeply and spoke out.

"Test what?" Allen asked curiously.

"Ah, nothing." The sisal mahjong stone was put into the ring, and suddenly there was a flash of inspiration! Sisal threw up excitedly and gave Allen a French kiss, and then kissed him a few more kisses, "Allen, you are amazing!"

"Huh?" Allen didn't understand it from beginning to end.

"Hey~" Sisal came out with a wicked smile, he knew who he wanted to test. "Hey~"

"Sword, isn't it evil? Or does he really want a child? I want to adopt one if I have a chance in the future." Allen muttered to the air.

The author has something to say: Everyone guess who is the first victim~~


34. Thirty-four So, I got pregnant & the fruit season came...

Recently, something strange has happened in the tribe. The two Bergnager brothers didn't know what was going on. A three-kilogram stone was stuck on their stomachs. The two stones also had colors. Berger's body was red, and Nag's body was blue. This kind of stone has never been seen before.

Everyone is curious about how the stone sticks. Furthermore, the Bergnagg brothers and their parents tried their best to get it off. After trying many methods-whether it was to smash him with their fists, or to break it off with brute force, or to grind it up with a tool such as a bone knife, etc.-they all gave up, thinking It should fall off by itself when the time is up. Fortunately, the weight of the stone is not very heavy for them, and it does not affect their lives too much.

The only thing that made them unhappy was that all the men and women of the tribe had to come to their house to see it again. This eye-catching way is really not that they like it very much.

The Bergnager brothers and their parents were unhappy, but sisal was very happy.

That's right, these two stones are pregnant stones, which are divided into male and female stones. The male stone is blue and the female stone is red. If used here, the male stone should be the male stone, and the female stone is the female stone. Of course, these are sisal guesses. If this is really a pregnant stone and the two brothers carry them on their bodies for a month, they will be pregnant successfully in a week, ten months After giving birth to boys and girls, this is not something that sisal can control.

When sisal saw the two stones, he couldn't think of who he would try, but when he saw Alan, he thought about his being bullied when he was a child. Bergnagg is the only two people known by sisal, so the two brothers fell victim to the tragedy.

Two such big stones, no matter whether it is day or night, there are N ways to bring sisal to the two brothers. In the end, sisal wrapped himself and the stone with "hidden", and then brought it to the two brothers without knowing it. Of course, all this is done at night, when everyone is asleep. In the daytime, he was afraid that everyone would treat this as a supernatural event. Obviously there is nothing, but the body feels the weight, and there is something to touch, that's not good.

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