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I meant what I said, slut

Those words played in my head over and each time I got more and more angry. Angry tears ran down my cheeks as I tried to find my way back to the waiting room.

I must've taken a wrong turn at some point because I don't know where the fuck I am. Great, I'm crying and I'm lost.

After a while I gave up trying to find the room and I just fell back onto the wall and slid down until I hit the floor. I placed my face in my hands and cried.

I stayed in the same spot on the floor for what seemed like forever until I heard gentle humming along with some footsteps. I looked to my right and saw Joonas walking with headphones in.

"Woah! Are you okay?" He asked stopping and crouching. I don't think he noticed it was me but that's fine. I lifted my head up and that's when he recognised me.

"Scarlett? What's wrong." He said taking his headphones out and sitting next to me. I decided I would tell him. I mean, it wouldn't do me any good to hide everything all the time.

"Where do I start." I tried to laugh and ran my hand through my hair. Joonas took his hand and gently rubbed it on my back to comfort me.

"Okay so about six months ago it was my sister's birthday and she had a little party with family and she let me bring my band mates. So of course I did and I got extremely wasted that night. The next morning I woke up to a naked Dmitri. I was naked too so that really only means one thing." I started. I was just going to tell him everything.

"Ever since then I've found myself waking up in his bed or him in mine. We both had different ideas of what we were. He thought we were more of a couple and I thought we were more of a friends with occasional benefits." I explained wiping my eyes. Joonas just nodded and continued rubbing my back.

"So this happened for a while and then I met Roman. Funny story actually, I met Roman at a bar the night we won the Belarusian selection. I was pissed and he was hot. We kissed and then he punched Dmitri in the face." I continued. I don't know but something about the blonde boy made me want to spill my heart out. He makes me feel nice and I really think he would be a great friend.

"So now we're here. I continued hanging out with Roman. I slept with Dmitri still but Roman and I only stayed friends nothing more. But he's cool. Last night was a weird one. Out of the blue we hook up. Of course it's the one time Dmitri comes to my room in the morning." Joonas laughed a bit. But I could tell it was a sad one, almost sympathetic.

"So yeah he gets mad at me and then we fight in some back room. Afterwards I leave the room and Aleksi's just standing there. He called me a slut and now I'm sitting here looking like a mess." I tried to rush through it. The last thing I wanted was to cause drama in their band. I didn't want to sabotage them for the contest next week.

"Hold one. He said what!?" Joonas said stopping his movements on my back. He abruptly stood up, an angry look overtaking his normally happy face.

"Joonas no stop. It's fine. I deserved it, don't cause any unnecessary drama." I tried to stop him, standing up just as abruptly. I grabbed his arm to stop him from walking off. He shook my hands off of him and started speed walking towards the room. He kind of reminded me of Mary Shelley's depiction of the creature in Frankenstein. I would've laughed if he didn't look like he was about to kill someone.

I ran after him and followed him to the private room where Blind Channel sat. I could hear laughter coming from the other side and a voice speaking in Finnish, Aleksi's.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch." Joonas muttered under his breath. He ripped open the door to the room making everyone stop what they were doing and look at Joonas.

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